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由Lord Magris編輯: 11/22/2019 11:03:39 PM

Due to the servers messing up, you will most likely see a lot of WEASEL errors. Bungie is aware of this issue.

Everyone, error code Weasel happens when your connection to Destiny servers gets completely disrupted and you get booted to the title screen. The current occurrences of Weasel errors are tied to the server issues we are encountering right now, hence the Service Alert. Bungie is fully aware of this happening and until they can actually fix the issue, you WILL be encountering a lot of Weasel errors. [url][/url] If you are planning to play in the Survival playlist or Gambit, hold off on that for now because there is a high chance you will be kicked and penalized in those activities. EDIT: Some YouTubers are claiming that the servers are fixed. That does not appear to be the case, so disregard the statements.



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