(Disclaimer: Im posting here for a much more, calm approach per-say without little 2 year olds spamming hacker, without even bothering to READ. I feel like Nicola and Bart, being falsely prosecuted, no matter how innocent you act, people'll believe you're a hacker, but please listen, I need help, any help, even if it's to prove me wrong, I want any sort of proof of this and if anybody else is dealing with this, because Activision and Infinity Ward constantly deny my appeal for no reason, and it's not logical, read the reasons below. There is no more I can say as a disclaimer, thank you.)
Hello, Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is RevolverOcelotV. Call me Spades for now since my account is new and I am new to Reddit and just getting started on this account. As for Activision, I’ve been here a while so just call me by my name stated above the profile.
Edit: and erghh- well bungie- just call me by name too- this is offtopic.
As the title says: “I am permanently banned”- from Modern Warfare (For NO reason). This is from the servers, now before you call me ‘hacker’ or anything at all!
I was banned for no reason, didn’t do anything at all. But before this sounds completely out of context, IW (infinity ward) support and server support states: “Temporary and permanent suspensions from all game modes are final and are not subject to review. Activision Support cannot assist with or answer questions about enforcements.” Now this is Activision talking, I'm sure you guys can provide more info and PLEASE DO! Anyways, this means “I can’t get help” at all. So I'm on the reddit to ask for support or assistance on anything I can do.
BUT before I rant on about this, let me give some background which can help you to help me.
I have only 3 possible explanations that could probably have built this up with a summarized explanation, read number 2 imo:
I changed my email on my blizzard/battle.net account and that link to my Activision account since I GOT a new email. This may be a reason since Activision or Modern Warfare could not identify what my account was due this change and it’s main connection is through battle.net.
Uninstalling, change in internet, and multiple actions taken via battle.net (nowhere else). Now listen up, this reason IS GOLD so pay close attention, for the past week and days before, I have uninstalled and reinstalled Modern Warfare, repairing and changing files which (LISTEN) have all been available actions via battle.net. The reason I have been doing this all is because (once again) for the past week and few days, the game has been broken. I have updated the game and it’s been broke, it states multiple errors on the installer for ONE update, so I restart my computer, battle.net, you name it, I did it. I finally decided to uninstall the game since it could not work anymore, then I reinstalled it. Just to make sure it was clean, I hit “Repair and Change files” just to reassure that the game doesn’t mess with me again, but then IT DOES. So I restart again, rinse and repeat. Uninstall, reinstall. NOW- it works... But not the way I want it to- the game opens up and then an error returns saying it could not connect to servers, so I repair files again. It opens again it works! Perfectly, I’ve gotten to the title screen and… No sound, NO SOUND at all, the game’s sound is completely mute, and I changed no settings to screw it up, this is the breaking point, and you may think: “Well does it atleast play” and NO it doesn’t, click campaign, co-op, anything and boom, disconnected from servers. I uninstall and reinstall for the last time in my book, and that’s where we are. The game had an error again, so I repair files aaaand… after that- it opened up.. It said it was updating… then… I get this picture right in front of me- It states I have been permanently banned. Go to activision support which you and I know doesn’t work from the quote I’ve posted. The retry button causes the title to blink, and when I click quit-to-desktop it shows a faded question asking “are you sure?” that you can’t click, that’s super broken. The game is clearly broken, and I didn’t do anything, some of you may think it’s Reason 3, but I have to explain that one and provide context so you don’t go busting my balls.
I used my graphics card (Nvidia) to update my modern warfare in experience.
I played the modern warfare since Beta on PC. it played just fine forever and ever. Then when I install the latest one (Now) it lags constantly, cutscenes are delayed and everything is just stinky hot garbage. NO, my PC is not a toaster, I play squad on this pc squeaky clean (look it up if you don’t know the game.) There was an update that I was able to install that when I played, it was fixed. But then the next update caused the actions beforehand (read reason #2). So I think it’s been patched but before it I did what this youtube video said: “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54yQisb3gl8” and watch it closely, some of you may think this is what caused it but allow me to explain. For quite a while I have played afterward from what this video says. I know it does not use the normal Nvidia GTX/RTX drivers settings but I used this since my friend said it helped. And it did for the longest time!- Why would I get banned now? For some out-of this world reason!? Anyway, I stated this (just in-case) personally, I don’t think it’s a reason since I haven’t modified my graphics to overload which isn’t even a possibility, it’s like the graphics in-game, (low) (medium) or (high). And I pick -low- which in the world of Nvidia control panel is a form of control settings just like in-game. But I still do not believe this should be a reason and if it is, then graphics cards are the blame here, not me, I'm using what is infused in the game by-now but not modifying it above and beyond- I don’t need to know these bullsh*t contract agreements between activision or Nvidia, battle.net or whatever- I KNOW. I did not install any third party programs to “MODIFY” anything at all, Nvidia has been with my modern warfare since beta.
I have not violated the User Agreement or Infinity Wards contract for this policy.
This is an injustice: The game is new and using an ANTI-cheat system, which isn’t 100% correct, no matter what you do. And I'm not claiming innocence either, I have morals in debating, I’m not going to play the name game, I just want reason, reason to understand, even if you ethically believe it should not be reviewed, this is an Anti-cheat, not a human.
One day we will rely so much on these systems that regardless of proof, appeal, ideology, gender, or religion, you will be prosecuted. This is an injustice, the end.
These are ALL the reasons, if you are going to make a comment, please make it an answer, question (for me), or actual support (dont just spam). And I know you can spam, but I'm looking for help on why this happens out of nowhere.
I am willing to answer questions you have. Thank you and god bless America.
Since you're on battle.net, it's very likely that you either have on your computer a program that has been deemed bannable or you played with someone for a while who does. Either way, no bans are ever repealed. All you can do is create another account, and start over on that game, but make sure you read their terms of service first, and make sure anyone you clan with and play with is not running any nefarious programs either. Otherwise, nothing else can be done. If you ran on console. None of this would have happened.
I'm pretty sure they can deny access to their online services at their own discretion. I'd look at it as a hint to stop playing COD. The last decent game in the franchise was WaW.
由f3編輯: 11/27/2019 8:42:33 PMI can help BUT BEFORE I need to give some background, on why (and HOW) the help is helpful, per-say God bless America (not just spam). So if you want help, but BEFORE please only respond (I’m not a hacker per-say) if you actually want help not just SPAM, or questions and ANSWERS and support not spam, thank you and long live the queen.
由cRaZyT101編輯: 11/27/2019 11:58:27 AMAsking a Bungie forum of all places for help with CoD? Oh my.... you're on the wrong website friend. Might want to go to their support services with this. Because there's nothing we can really do for you.
Not really the place for this. But: do you use game chat often, and if so, do you tend to lose your temper during matches or have you ever had an instance if losing a temper? You possibly could’ve said something that offended a lot of people and that’s why you got banned for it.
Uh... don’t you realize that bungie and activision broke up Months ago? That like me complaining about fallout 4 bans in a terraria forum...
由epicperon編輯: 11/27/2019 7:48:57 AMUuhhhh shouldn’t you maybe post this in like the CoD forums or something? I don’t think anyone here can really help you with that