So it's understandable that when doing raids, you wanna have players who know how to get through an encounter without constantly wiping when a player/players don't quite get the task they are given them. But we can all admit we were all newbies when starting destiny, and sometimes we have to ask other players for help.
At times of course we all go through videos via YouTube or other media sites to gain knowledge on how to succeed through an encounter, and it takes time, or learning through trial and error. But to have a requirement of having more then +5 clears minimum, even +10, to join a raid group I believe is ridiculous.
I downloaded D2 about 3 months ago when I found out it was free to play, (and yes I have experience throughout D1 cleared all raids), but as for these raids of course they are still new to me and still trying to learn. And after going through the fireteam tab, nearly all of posts for raids are having the +5 clears requirements in order to join, leaving me with no possible way to join a raid group to complete and acquire good gear.
I was able to get through the eater of world's lair at the leviathan from some chill players kindly helping me out learning how to move foward, and as for the main leviathan raid only got through the first encounter then everyone started to bail out (which is annoying as hell). Still attempting to find players to start the Spire of stars so I can acquire that Calus emote, which looks badass to be honest lol.
Newcomers are still coming in even when the game has been released since 2018, and sadly even when they are up to a decent light level to fight, they can't join because they never had cleared a raid before cause everyone is having the +5/+10 clear requirement to join.
So overall, I really wish the players would give newbies a chance to join up and help guide them so they can get better and gain experience, sometimes not just through videos. Practice makes perfect right?
I’ve just started trying to learn the SOTP raid (my first raid) it has been really difficult/time consuming using the fireteam tab and even when people knew I was learning some groups would not lead me or even just direct me over the Mic.
Luckily I’ve met some really awesome people who have gotten me through 2 completions of it now. Still I haven’t learned the map call out locations during the city though (all looks the same to me).
While I’m here thankyou guys if you see this. I really appreciate it and you guys are the real gaming community I remember.