Factions and their Future, an Argument for "Faction Wars"
I like this idea
I dislike this idea
It's been a hot minute sense we've seen faction rallies and we all know they didn't go the greatest, every single time people found a way to cheese for rewards and it ruined the experience.
In Destiny 1 we saw factions active 24/7/365 and while that system was arguably batter than faction rallies, it made factions mundane.
However, in Destiny 2 Factions most certainly didn't seem as mundane, as there was always a competition between the factions and there was a sense of "belonging" within the factions thanks to this competition.
I feel that there's a way to bridge the gap between these systems and make your allegiance to a faction mean more while still being a better system than faction rallies, this could be accomplished through the means of a PvP event.
My idea behind this "Faction Wars" concept is creating a weekly/monthly/seasonal event that allows guardians to pick their allegiance with a faction and participate in a crucible playlist against other guardians in the name of their faction. I had this idea due to the lack of attention PvP is currently getting, there is a massive focus on PvE content such as raids, seasonal events such as the Sundial or the Vex Offensive, Strikes, and other events like the Black Armory Forges, or Menagerie. The PvP system has only ever had 3 modes going for it, the standard crucible, Iron Banner, and Trials of the Nine/Osiris which isn't even here right now. This makes for an extremely small loot pool as far as PvP content is concerned while PvE contains most of the loot in the game. Not only would "Faction Wars" balance out the loot pool, but it would give the PvP community the attention its needed for a while now AND put factions back in the spotlight.
I've come up with a few ideas as to how to implement this "Faction Wars" system. This playlist could be a weekend tournament system similar to trials, it could be a playlist that stays up throughout the course of a week like Iron Banner, or even a playlist that stays up throughout the entirety of a season where a winner is chosen at the end. My personal belief is that it should be a weekly event (that occurs every week to keep faction equipment in the loot pool) where there is a winner chosen based upon the winning-est faction at the end of the week, and people within this faction should get a special reward of some kind, it should match you with people within your faction in teams of 6, and send your team into a game against another faction. There are of course a plethora of other ways to implement a PvP "Faction Wars" system such as a tournament system similar to trials or a seasonal system where there is a seasonal winner chosen rather than a weekly winner, or you could even combine all of these systems.
These are just some of MY ideas, I'd like to hear some feedback on this idea in the comments and I'd also like for word to be spread of this idea to promote further conversation of the topic so perhaps we could move toward getting it implemented.
Anyway, that's all for me, thanks for the read! Have a great day!