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由Cruton編輯: 12/22/2019 5:30:29 PM

Bungie should take a season to revamp old content.

-Remix strikes (like they did in D1) adding new enemies etc. -Revamp strike exclusive rewards. Give them random rolls and make all new rewards. -Revisit old raids and their respective rewards. -Revamp old public events and even add new ones. There are so many big beautiful areas in patrol that could have benefit from new fast travel points and public events added to them. - REVISIT XUR I would much MUCH rather them go back and tune old content than make another half baked horde mode. They did this in D1 with their final Dawning/ Year of Triumphs. *COUGH* Fix mod system on armor. Make "Charged with Light" mods and "Dreambane" mods work on ALL armor. Let us Reroll the elemental affinity on masterworked armor.



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