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由Nemesis_941編輯: 3/28/2020 8:11:22 PM

The TRUTH about Gambit

I can't tell you how many times I load into a Gambit match to try and have some fun. Only to have PTSD flashbacks of when Gambit first launched an getting sleeper simulated on every invasion/invaded. Have the Devs even addressed how broken Truth is in Gambit? Every match someone uses it, and seems like every match they have more then ample ammo to wipe a team every invasion round. Simply "Fire and Forget" motto should not be a tactic capable of wiping an entire team. It takes zero skill. End of rant.



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  • I'm back after a long break, and have played 4 Gambit matches so far. It's possibly the absolute worst experience I've had with Destiny as a whole since 2014. "Hmm, PvE mixed with PvP? Well, this might be pretty cool!" No. It's not cool. I can't even put my finger on why, but after I finish a Gambit match, I'm just pissed off. It really has nothing to do with winning or losing either, I lose plenty in Crucible but still have some fun with it. Been gaming since the 80s and I've never played anything that frustrated me from top to bottom like this flaming trash can of a game mode. I'll decide tomorrow if I'm gonna stomach two more matches for the tier 2 drop, but I severely doubt I'll care about that next week. To any Bungie devs reading this: I literally hate you.



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  • From my experience over previous seasons, Gambit seems to have three main problems: Ammo economy, invasions, & Primevals. Ammo:[spoiler]It's too damn easy to rack up Special and Heavy (and orbs) by farming the ads. Unlike in Crucible, you also don't get punished for dying with it. With the right mods and/or hogging the spawners, you could be strapped within the first 2 minutes of the round and wipe the floor with anyone or anything you fight from then on. Only fix I see that doesn't overly punish player builds is to make dying drop some of the ammo, at least when dying to other players.[/spoiler] Invasions: [spoiler]Invasions are very predictable. For the invader, 95% of the time they're sniping with a HI-sniper or Sleeper, crutching on Truth or other Heavy weapons, or deleting players with their Supers that they charged faster than an Erentil with Backup Plan; basically, if it can one-shot, then it's almost certainly going to be abused without a second thought. On the other hand, the invader is often picked off as soon as he/she spawns in and make the whole invasion pointless because the spawns themselves are predictable, it's a 3v1 or 4v1 most of the time, and the invader is lit up like a lightbulb. With all that in mind though, [b]invasion [i]frequency[/i] isn't that problematic; it's the over reliance on killing players because that's all you can really do later in the match.[/b] Blockers are the only other thing that can slow down players but their dumb AI is exploitable and players can't summon them anymore once they get a Primeval. Personally, I would love it if killing players and spamming (medium) blockers weren't the only reliable ways to sabotage the enemy team. Trapping players, stealing motes directly from ads to bring back to your team, buffing the Primeval just for being near your presence, etc, would be neat and/or interesting concepts and would more depth to Gambit if executed right. Mindless killing isn't the only way to survive, and I'm glad Prime at least [i]tried[/i] something like this with the bank siphoning.[/spoiler] Primevals[spoiler]These things are just spongy strike bosses. Even in Prime they still remain inside their invisible fence at all times, practically anchored to the bank. Make them move around and/or make different methods of dealing with them. Heck, spawn multiple weaker Primevals as an idea or something, idk. Again, at least Bungie tried something like this for Prime by utilizing envoys, but unfortunately they didn't invest more creativity into it.[/spoiler] The way I see it, addressing at least one of these issues properly would make Gambit more fun and not another gamemode that exists just for bounties. It's a great idea conceptually and I would love to see it actually be good in execution.



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  • I love you nemesis please marry me



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  • Don’t worry my guy the devs don’t do anything at work let alone at home so it’ll be a year to fix, take it or leave.



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  • My biggest issue is the fact that half the time, NOONE EVEN TOUCHES THE MOTES. All the randos seem to not even understand the objective. Why play an objective based match if you aren't gonna play?



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    • Only those with the “Reckoner” title have the decency to not use Truth, everyone else just says -blam!- Gamibit, I’m gonna make this mode as miserable as it makes me!



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