How did this garbage game win GOTY? This game is easily one of the worst gaming experiences I've had in a while. One of the most frustrating games I've ever wasted my time on and this is coming from a souls vet. This game doesn't even work by it's own rules, it says you parry by blocking attacks as they hit, I do that, it doesn't work half the time and most of the time when it does work it's by luck. You don't build a game around luck. There's no dodging, no iframes, when you dodge you still get hit mid-dodge and when you successfully dodge you still get hit.
I've never played a game that was such a mess in years. I fully believe Activision paid for this GOTY award for this game, it only makes sense. Dark Souls was already niche on its own and you mean to tell me a game even more restricting on its playerbase won GOTY when dark souls couldn't? -blam!- no. Is it because the game is so spammy? You can't defend yourself so it's just mash LMB for days and attempt to parry by praying to the RNG gods.
There is no sense of progression in this game, you don't level up to make yourself stronger, when you beat a tough enemy you dont have more areas to explore, you just get another enemy that's even tougher just around the corner, the story is only a slight upgrade from traditional fromsoft games, where is the progression? Where is the point? Why should I put up with this frustrating broken gameplay when there is no reward for it? "bUt iT mAkEs YoU fEeL aCcOmPLisHeD" no it doesn't, I never felt accomplished for a minute in this game. Each time I killed a tough enemy or miniboss (because the game doesn't even really show what bosses are real bosses) I only felt empty inside because you get nothing from it.
I thought I'd get a sense of progression by upgrading my "estus" knockoff but I felt nothing. You die in 3 hits from basic enemies so when you take a single hit you have to use one and when you're clearing out an area to get to a boss that just makes what I'm doing feel completely and utterly pointless. Fromsoft is no longer a great studio as they have significantly regressed in their quality and I'm no longer buying anything from them. I play games to have fun, hard and easy alike, not try to do my closest imitation to a -blam!-ing no hit run.
No builds, no progression, still not a good story, no point in even playing, broken combat, nothing worth anything. I can't believe I wasted $60 on this trash heap of a game and can't even get a refund after it making me question my gaming hobby.
This leads to another point. -blam!- steam's refund policy. I've never refunded a game until Doom Eternal (completely different reason) but this would be the next one on the list had I put less than 2 hours into it. I'm new to pc, I've only had this pc for a few months, but how in the hell am I supposed to get a feel for a game in only 2 hours? If I stopped at 2 hours in this game I wouldn't know what to tell you. I'm so glad GOG is doing a consumer friendly policy now and I will be getting as many games as I can from there.
-blam!- you fromsoft, you lost a longtime fan
[i]A lot of people in the "industry" have a massive hard-on for Fromsoft and their games.
I haven't played Sekiro myself, but I've seen 'Let's Pkays' of it, and its game that doesn't lend itself very well to streaming. It's very hard to get a sense of the Geography, and the overall objective of what you are supposed to be doing, when watching someone else play. So maybe my prejudice is a result of my limited perspective.[/i]