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由Reneta Scian編輯: 4/16/2020 9:25:56 AM

A new way for Destiny 2

I've been thinking a lot about the state of Destiny 2. As someone who really loves the game and sees its potential, I feel I have some suggestions that may help. Granted, some of those things may be harder or easier than others. First idea is simple. I think the weapons we have in collections, that have random rolls should display the last roll we had for that weapon, when we retrieve a weapon from collections. This way, our collection for the 80% of weapons we can't get now we can get back at our leisure. Second idea is also sort of simple... We need slot leveling. So that we're not having to constantly infuse everything we get to make it useful in level advantage enabled content. It seems like a simple stupid, and other people have said as much more eloquently. Third, Nightfall needs to be about more than just meat sponges. Obviously, just making more aggressive AI may be harder said than done, but Nightfall and strikes and general are too repetitive and not very fun. Also, in that Vein all Exotics should have capabilities against champions. Fourth, Seasonal Content Model needs to die in a boat fire. Seriously, stop giving us fun events and taking them away. However, there needs to be some kind of rotation for these old events when they come back. Like "Emergency events" that pop up daily, or weekly. Fifth, We Need Weapon Sunsetting and Regular Year / Season refreshes. Old weapons need to be refreshed with new perk pools and returned to the game periodically as new versions. Refreshing old weapons with new perk pools would be a way to keep the weapon pool and meta lively. Sixth, I think all Strikes need Procedurally Random Routes. They'll still be mostly curated, but with varied routes every time you go through them in a similar fashion to Warframe. It would be nice if different routes even had different bosses and challenges, puzzles. Seventh, high damage weapons need a higher skill ceiling. Right now, we have weapons that do super high damage that anyone can pick up and wreck people with. It kind of fuels regular meta stagnation and it makes PVP feel awful. Eighth, PvP needs a front end, serious Anti-cheat addition revamp, as well as to be added to the VAC ban system on steam to stop cheaters in PvP. PvP feels awful and has for a long time, and it kind of sucks because Destiny is literally the only game I do any PvP in at all. Ninth, Champions kind of suck and make strikes less fun in their current iteration. It isn't even that they're challenging, but that they're LITERALLY just annoying, and frustrating, and makes Nightfalls feel like a fight against a ridiculous difficulty wall, and they're poorly balanced with some areas. Tenth, Merge Gambit into 1 super mode, and have Combined Gambit with 1 round, and Reckoning. As they are, it seems kind of silly. Also, I would like to see better loot from Gambit, as well as a chance for Pinnacle and upgrade items. Eleventh, Drops need to be increased for more difficult activities across the board. So many people have talked about this at length, so I don't feel I have to. First time I did 980 Nightfall last season I got 2 shards and garbage drops. And I haven't done it since. Twelfth, Xur needs to have 3 Isochronals per weekend set (one per day), and daily refresh for his offerings. As well I'd say all venders need vender refresh, but we'd need for them to start offering their activity specific drops as purchases for shards and glimmer for that with my next suggestion. Thirteenth, Bounty system needs to be completely automatic. Bounties should automatically active without talking to NPC and auto-finished when you complete them, and they need to be integrated into the activity. I don't mind getting the loot from the NPC, but having to remember to get them gotta go. 14th, Material Gathering needs to be completely revamped. Having to spend Bright Dust to make gathering items not as grindy is awful. Their drop rate needs to be massively bolstered, and also the flashpoint zones should be higher than the others for that week. 15th, Bright Dust Drop rate needs to be boosted by a considerable margin. Buying stuff for bright dust is expensive AF, and unless you're grinding tonnes of bounties you're going to take forever to get enough for stuff. Mind you, if bounties went automatic, this would be nulled out. 16th All activities need to be added to matchmaking after they've been out for 3 to 6 months. I would love to be able to do old raids with random groups without depending on the undependable LFP in the Destiny 2 Companion App on phone. (which regularly lags and doesn't work for me) 17th, All Activities should have a small chance of dropping Pinnacle Gear for the Powerful Drops, and same for Prime Engram decoding. Though, depending on other changes to Pinnacle drops, this could be adjusted. My primary problem is being able to do activities solo (or matchmaking). This obviously isn't an exhaustive list, but these are things that have specifically stuck out like a sore thumb to me. I think the game needs some kind of unique activity to do every week, not just Iron Banner or other Seasonals periodically (like those old Seasonal Event activities, Vex Invasion, etc). In either case, I hope this gives other people ideas too. Take care all, and be safe. Edit (Addition): We need the ability to "Bond" with our weapons. Bonded Weapons should give you more materials back when you dismantle them. Think of it like a Usage Weapon EXP gauge. I hate that it takes so much to masterwork stuff and we get next to nothing back when we shred them.



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