Unlocked Ornaments from Prestige Spire of Stars, but can't use nor find them anywhere in my collection
I recently finished EoTW and SoS on Prestige, and got the ornaments for it. I have, however, not been able to use the ornaments I got from SoS. I have attached links to screenshots of the ornaments in my inventory, and that they cannot be used on the gear that have EoTW Prestige ornaments applied to them (am I wrong in assuming that they should've been applicable to the same gear?).
I just hope that someone can at least confirm that I didn't loose access to ornaments that I earned. I know that it worked on Leviathan gear for my friends who were in the same fireteam as me.
Proof of unlocking:
Proof that they are not applicable to EoTW gear (does that proove they can't be applied to SoS gear?):
Perhaps the situation is related to this [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/djlzza/old_raid_ornaments_are_not_equipable_on_the_new/f47xqyy/?context=3]issue[/url]?
Best wishes, and thanks for the help
i think they can only be applied to the raid gear set only. kinda stinks. they should be universal.
someone posted they dont work with 2.0 armor