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4/29/2020 2:49:08 AM

Social distancing isn't all that bad

The roads are empty so I get to go pretty much wherever I want and enjoy nature and shit. Already got plans to see another spot soon.



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  • [i]I wish I could go out for a drive. Here in Ireland the police ( the Gardai ) have been given emergency powers, and they’ve set up numerous road checks around the country. The government doesn’t want anyone to go anywhere unless they absolutely have to. I got stopped ( and questioned ) twice yesterday when I went to the nearest amenity centre to recycle some aluminium cans and glass bottles. Fortunately, I’m a gamer, so I have a few games to keep me occupied. I’ve also got Netflix, Crunchyroll, Disney +, and A Sky Subscription, so at least I’m not bored.[/i]



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