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5/24/2020 6:54:24 PM

Maybe Destiny 2 Does Not Need New Gear

Yes, Destiny needs new gear to keep the loot interesting


No, Destiny 2 does not need new gear and needs old gear revamped


lol destiny 2 more like deadstiny 2 just make destiny 3


So, someone over on the Destiny subreddit posted this idea to counteract sunsetting and power creep by doing one simple thing: [b]not making any new weapons (and, by extension, armor).[/b] [url=]See the post here![/url] TL;DR Version: Bungie should not make any new gear for anything other than end-game content (Raids, Trials, etc) and focus their time revamping the VAST AMOUNT of unused and underutilised gear that is already in the game. I will note that they mention that D2 has over 500 weapons in the game. I am not sure that is the correct amount, but the game definitely has locked away gear that could be reintroduced. I decided to bring this idea over here to the Bungie Forums to see what the general opinion will be. One idea I would like throw at you in addition to this: adding Weapon and Armor Ornaments into the randomised elements of drops, making the gear you get that little bit more unique.



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