Unbroken not registering after 3rd Legend, conflicting numbers in triumphs!
My emblem lists 5466 as my glory as of about a half hour ago. When I go to Triumphs > Crucible // Lifetime > Glory Ranks, the Season 10: Glory lists 112 matches completed but only 4108 glory. HALP
Me and my friend just hit Legend for our third time, and the triumph isn’t finishing for us either. Tried restarting the game, restarting my xbox, flying down to the tower and then back to orbit. Nothing’s working. Just wanted to post to let you know you aren’t the only one experiencing it. Also, my glory points for other seasons aren’t 5500 in the “Season #: Glory” triumphs, but the triumph for hitting Legend in multiple seasons still went up for them so I don’t think that’s the issue.