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7/15/2020 9:50:32 PM

Suggested changes/fixes

So, if we're to "deal" with sunsetting (which honestly isn't a bad idea, I just feel the execution is way off) there should be spme specifics that need to be addressed. I'll update this list with anything people support to add. 1. Armor sunsetting needs to be reworked, I get that you (Bungo) want to get people into the swing of using end game armor, but forcing us to throw away our old armor that many people have put countless hours into grinding for seem dumb. I suggest reworking this to increasing the cost to upgrading old armor, or maybe not forcing us to use new armor anyway. This being said, I hope the transmog rework works well, I have a handful of really old pieces I use just for style. 2. Not all raid gear got updated. I hope this is a small oversight or the icon just didn't update, but SotP weapons aren't updating with the new season icon and level cap. I love using my No Feelings Scout Rifle, and this isn't even a weapon I can re-grind with the coming changes. 3. Since we're on the topic of sunsetting, bringing old weapons into the fold with a new cap is literally pointless. At the very least, allow us to infuse the newer version into the old "god roll"s we grinded for to use at higher light levels. This will also allow people to continue to show off/keep track of those nasty kill counters. With the current system moving forward, I barely see a reason to keep track or care how many kills I have with a favorite weapon, since It'll only be good for 4 seasons (at best) anyway. 4. Also related to sunsetting—I think some weapons should be immune to sunsetting, or maybe increased costs to infuse. I get it, it's frustrating to create a pool of new weapons every season, only for players to continue using recluse/izanagi (insert fav combo) because it yields the best results. However, this kinda alienates some less used weapons that deserve more attention. Ie. oxygen, breakneck, hush, exit strategy, black armory and seraph weapons, and even season event weapons like vow, braytech werewolf, horror story. Sunsetting, as it stands now, effectively make these weapons completely useless. We're not gonna use them in strikes and regular play, but I do break these out in raids and endgame content to have fun and see how they stand up against new challenges. 5. Ghosts and Sparrows. You've (Bun gi) made AMAZING improvements to the game and quality of life so far and I love it, but WHHHYYYY are exotic ghost rolls still static, and what's the point of even rolling different skills on a sparrow. First, Ghosts, utilizing the mod system (Which I think is brilliant) just roll a ghost with nothing but 3-4 mod slots, or like armor a set number of points you can fill with mods, and let players decide what they want on their ghosts, maybe you want 4 basic skills? Or maybe you want 2 top tier skills? I think doing this also leaves you room for unique ghosts and perks, like the Leviathan ghost (which I would say make relevant—but the raid is going bye bye anyway so that's moot). And Sparrows, you guys know we just grab sparrows from the collections forever until we get an instant summon sparrow right? Make them all the same or invite some new sparrow skills. Honestly they won't matter until you're sparrow becomes a critical part of gameplay, rather than a convenience to get around. (Btw yes, this is me asking for sparrow racing or more content similar to the sparrow run in SotP) 6. Blue gear. It's been said 100xs and I'll say it again—we don't actually need this. I'm not suggesting a mass delete option or to get rid of it mind you, just asking what's the point? Maybe rare gear should infuse for free? So it makes sense to use while leveling up, or maybe (like the hunter arms or titan helms) it only drops with the top 3 stats, making it worth looking at before ignoring completely? I don't know to be honest, but it seems like a wasted effort they way it is now. 7. tbd Let's her some thoughts…



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