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7/16/2020 7:37:14 PM

(Xbox) Looking for a clan to grow with?

I am currently recruiting for Metal Moshpit, a small clan consisting of 15 members. Right now we only have about 5 or 6 active members, but we are trying to grow our numbers so that we may run more activities together. We do have a Discord that I would like to see more active as most interactions have been in the Destiny app. We prefer members to be a bit more mature so 18+ . A mic is preferred but not required ( do note that if you do not have a mic you will not be able to raid with us). Fret not if you do not know raid mechanics as I am more than willing to teach, especially since we'll all have to learn the new raid when it drops anyway! I am open to clan suggestions. Leave your toxicity at the door and get caught in a mosh with us!



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