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由TheHero編輯: 9/18/2020 7:45:31 AM

Luke Smith talks about Oscars and means Cronus Zen...???

So in some Twitch Video you can hear Luke talk about having fun with your mates in the game and talking about Oscars. I change that abit to another setting. Theres a lot of gamers wanting to have fun. One part is legit players and the other part is not. But what can Bungie do about this Cronus Zen??? We have fun talking about Oscars while losing our matches in Trials. All activities are harder to do as a legit player, then one who just wants to have fun in the way Luke suggests and is interpreted in another way of playing the game as you want to play. Which exactly is a motto from Bungie. Well then legit players, all of you will allway be in a disadvantage beside Cronus Zen users. But honor be praised, you have honor and play a lot more time in Destiny legit as Bungie wants you to spend more time to grind out what you want out of the game. [b]A Cronus Player gets all the fun and loot in less time. [/b] So have fun in Destiny ;D ?



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