Hello Guardian of all types and subclasses. I'm would like to thank you before hand for giving me the opportunity to post this. Have been talking with a co-worker who happens to be also a Guardian ( a Titan) and I am a simple Hunter. This isn't a post about being O.P or anything but just a couple of ideas we had for game modes. One being SRL the other being Rift. Now I'm not asking them as permanent game modes. More like a seasonal event we can look forward once or twice a season. This way we don't get tired of it and in times like now( nothing to do) it will be an additional event we can count on other than Iron Banner. I'm not hating on it just wanted to help diversify the events from just holiday or pvp. Listed below are points that we came up with. As a community let's see what can be improved on and see if we can get Bungie to see what can be done.
First is SRL
1. I would like the Drifter and Amanda holiday to be the announcers. Hearing about tech and who bet what would be cool and funny
2. A seasonal event. Meaning it can last a week or two within the season. Or be on rotation with iron banner
3. Use a trials like card to keep track of wins. With each podium finish the card will fill a spot with corresponding color of places taken. Wich will filled will grant grear and more rewards
4. Can be another way to earn infamy. Not everyone plays gambit. Gives players another way. Could also use as a way to bring old gambit items the they wish to add back to the economy of the game.
5. This will also give a chance for old SRL sparrows and shaders to return. Old armor can now be a universal ornament
6. Change how the boost system works. After so many Gates consecutively hit you earn a boost. The boos will be like old time breaker just not make you explode. But it has to be earned in race. I feel two charges should be the maximum number of charges that can be held at one time. So as any racing game you gotta use it just right or first place is being taken from you.
Next is Rift
The spark is counted as a relic. So you cannot use your super using it. But are granted a buff to shields. And maybe movement.
1. No guns! Its a sport. Using the agis shield players are able to beat each other to death. Other than abilities and maybe supers.
2. The rift ball will spawn somewhere in a central location on the map. This way it's not the same location but equally a pain to find.
3. Each player is allowed to "pass" the ball. Once passed the player who threw the pass will have a counter for 5-10 seconds before said player is able to get the ball again
4. Players are able to throw talk into rift. This will not explode but will grant 1 point if it makes it. It can be blocked by a player with the shield. Dunkin the rift ball will cause the rift to explode killing the enemy team who are next to it. Also dunkin the ball could count for 2 points and dunkin backwards may count for 3.
5. Even though no gun are used it's crucible! Crucible rep must be earned while playing.
6. And last but definitely not least. A passed ball can be intercepted. If intercepted ball is run to Rift within a time frame it is an extra point.
7. Optional but can give rift armor perks to help flow of the game. If you want to be more like a running back or quarterback etc. For those who want to be the best and stream live "rift" games
Also as an idea let the community have more interaction with the game. Let the community submit art to be judged by the community to be made into ornaments for their favorite exotics or as a general ornament. It would help the bungie team and give more creativity in making our guardians.
I'm sure we as a community are able to say if we want this or not. But as a Destiny player if they want more MMO feel this may help with a couple of little things. Things a MMO should have and expand on. Sometimes little things help alot.