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由Autistic Tyson編輯: 9/19/2020 5:40:16 AM

DLC cross save.

This need to be addressed more


Lol just buy the new Xbox and don’t get a pc


This is not talked about as much as it should be. Yes they are cross save ps4 to ps5 and the same thing for Xbox but it should work if people are switching to the other console or pc. If I switch and get a pc this holiday. I’m going to have to spend even more money.($90 for the standard,$120 if I want to get the seasons from the deluxe version.) I rewatched the video to double check and they said nothing about pc to Xbox, or ps4 to Xbox or any other combinations. Maybe they are working on it later. If that’s the case I’ll just stop playing again. And return during witch queen.



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