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10/13/2020 2:35:26 PM

Validate integrity of game files loop

Hey fellow gamers. I am trying to run Destiny 2 on Steam. Every single time I load into the game. Around the guardian selection screen (give or take a minute or two) my game will crash and tell me I need to “verify integrity of game files.” I have done this at least a dozen times and every time Steam tells me all my files are verified. But it still happens. I have yet to be able to play the game. My platform is a macbook pro running windows 10. My steam library is on a seagate backup+ external hdd (with like 800 extra gb of space after destiny 2 was downloaded) I have checked and all of my drivers and components are up to date and are at least the minimum required to run Destiny 2. Can somebody point me in the right direction? Thanks. Happy gaming.



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