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11/2/2020 7:12:32 AM

So yeah, I did a thing today

Traded in my 2014 Camaro RS for a brand spankin' new 2021 Camaro 2SS. Not gonna lie, I had a tough time letting go of my old Camaro. That was the first car I got and paid for with my own money. I drove everywhere and went to a ton of places with her, got stranded twice, and put a few thousand into exterior and engine mods. After 3 years however it was time for an upgrade and a well deserved one. I'm excited to take this new one everywhere and make great memories. Can't wait to start modding this one.



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  • [quote]Traded in my 2014 Camaro RS for a brand spankin' new 2021 Camaro 2SS. Not gonna lie, I had a tough time letting go of my old Camaro.[/quote] Congrats Though the old RS will always be special to you, there is no way the SS won't make you forget about it. The power difference alone should be eye opening.



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