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由Drake編輯: 6/16/2020 6:52:51 PM

Why are we keeping Nessus?

Seriously, we are getting rid of the Leviathan and keeping Nessus? What are you guys smoking Bungie? Nessus has been getting DEVOURED for the last 3 years and it's the one Destination that isn't getting the boot? I get that Nessus is BIG and you guys are probably proud of it- but it's just as irrelevant as the other destinations and probably takes up MORE memory/space in the game than all the others. Getting rid of Mars makes sense cause all the content tied to it is irrelevant as well as the destination not being very fun or interesting to begin with. Mercury as a patrol has ALWAYS sucked and I think everyone is tired of the wasted potential of the Infinite Forest. (Also what's gonna happen to the lighthouse guys?) Io dosen't have alot going for it, but at least feels more mysterious and relevant to the over-arching story of Destiny especially at this point with this season. All I am really trying to say is this - Get rid of Nessus, but keep the Leviathan and actually work on making all your raid/end-game activities relevant. Maybe make a featured/rotating raid each week like in D1 Age of Triumph so the older raids can drop current/Pinnacle gear once in awhile.



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  • I would have much rather they at the bare minimum have kept the tribute hall since that's a dedicated target practice playground, along with the added bad juju mission. Like the vex explanation makes sense but why not just unvault Venus to replace nessus instead of adding the cosmodrome since that was at least the legitimate location of the vault of glass and we have the edz which is the better version of the cosmodrome anyway in every sense besides nostalgia. Even keeping io over nessus would have at least have kept the whisper mission which is one of the best exotic quests you can do on any given planet minus zero hour and maybe the last word. I would've been happy with them at least keeping the campaign for the game in a format akin to daily heroic missions in a set area of certain maps which would have been doable and easier for them to upkeep in comparison to whole planets which was the main reason they vaulted them in the first place



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