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由sirdab編輯: 11/29/2020 3:34:11 AM

Its been real

This will be the last time I post or play this game. I have started this game with only playing PVE and then focusing on nothing but PVP. There were many ups and downs but I have outgrown this monstrosity of a game. Spending upward of about 3k hours grinding with friends and playing PVP, I will say I have enjoyed this game up until Shadowkeep. ****IMO the state of the game was always decaying since forsaken but it really started to make an impact once Shadowkeep offered a solid 2-3 obnoxious farming campaign with nothing worth going for on the moon or in the new dungeon. With them recycling a few weapons from seasons prior, and nerfing everything about the game that required skill it really brought a sour taste to the game. Weather people accept it or not, PVP is the true end game. Everything you farm for in PVE you realistically use it for light level based PVP content. Your stats and light level do not mean anything for PVE. I've spent too much time farming for equipment and weapons just for them to be nerfed out of existence. Wonder why streamers to include myself were doing recovs for 2100 and 5500 to get Lunas, NF, Recluse, Revoker, and MT? Because it was fun helping the community with these and these quest required a certain amount of skill to achieve. The issue with all these weapons were that these quest weren't time slotted which caused them to bleed into the next season with the changes that Bungie offered. Nerfs and buffs came at what felt like random bulks. Overall HC range was nerfed because people refuse to get better at the game so they complain about it nonstop until it was nerfed. ARs received a god like buff for absolutely zero reason at all, Sniper flinch its hysterically busted, ADSing with Shotguns and Fusions no longer influence range. Shotguns overall nerfed, Felwinters introduced to become the best weapon for PVP (thank god this was time gated) and most of all........... the lack of dedicated servers and an Anti-Cheat. Now I am not going to exploit what I feel like Bungie should have done, but the overall lack of reason and communication between Developer and Player just do not seem to exist. Taking 4 full seasons to figure out a healthy change for OEM and roaming Supers is just way too long to be reasonable. God forbid if and exploit was found in PVE, it was be hotfixed immediately. With all of the current issues and unnecessary buffs and nerfs, the answer of sunsetting is like throwing a paper airplane in a category 5 hurricane and expecting it to not get destroyed. I would have accepted sunsetting if Bungie admitted to making these mistakes and saying that they are starting fresh. But by not explaining their motives on why they are sunsetting really just leaves me with no choice. It being shown that the company itself does not care about you as the player base. The lack of player testing is overall what is hurting the game. Bungie is becoming just like Riot Games. No idea how to balance, no idea how to fix game issues, but their answer to all is to overhype content and pinky promise that it is going to be better. Once again, it has been real. But happy to say that I'm no longer going to be a part of this community after this post. Good luck Guardians.



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