Welcome to the next day of the polls, attack helicopters and crusaders.
I hope you all had a good day yesterday, however you spent it.
We are down to six candidates today, and will vote off one by the end of this cycle. The vote will be certified on Monday.
The next planned poll will eliminate two candidates. I suggest making your policies known, as the competition shall grow fierce in these final polls.
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WHO WANTS TO HEAW MY PAWICIES UWU The following is a translation from UwU speak to English [quote]Policy 1: I will revitalize the offtopic talent showcase Policy Two: I will make a weekly hangout post. Policy C: I will attempt to regulate God Modding with a council-like group of citizens nominated by others. Their only power will be to step in, call foul play, and point the offender in the right direction Policy UwU: Ion will be secretary of metal, Lethalbarracuda will be VP for diversity Policy OwO: Redacted Policy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): As a blood thief myself, I am in agreement with Blaze on Vampire rights That is it for now my possible future subjects.[/quote]
Alright! I have three policy’s! #1: On the subject of VP, they will be elected through a large, trivia show.....well it’s overused, but a trivia show battle royale! [spoiler]I probably lost half my votes for saying battle royale.....[/spoiler] #Two, Vampires need more rights! While in office, I’ll make sure all blood drinkers get the rights they deserve! #Trois: All further policies will be taken by voting in a Blaze’s Bar! It’ll work a lot like the election, actually. Make a comment on my answered reply, and if eight people reply to that with a ‘bump’, then it becomes law! But, you can only bump twice per bar! Oh, and good luck to all the other candidates!
Hello citizens of Offtopic! If I were to be elected, I will provide a joke for your entertainment evey other day. In addition, in the spirit of America, all ideas and traditions will be allowed and upheld. Best wishes to you all!
由Girraffalope編輯: 11/27/2020 11:01:47 PMGood evening jim-jams! If you didn’t already know, I am the current president of this gutter, and I intended to leave after this term, but they locked the door. I’ve been eating cereal crumbs off the floor for the last two weeks. Achieving a second term is the only way to survive. Now, my policies! 1: leather pants are not cool 2wo: I think we should implement a dress code. U gotta wear bee colors on Thursdays (I was born on a Thursday) (again, no leather pants) Thr33: everybody gets a longsword. Any “murders” committed with your personal longsword will be pardoned Foor: the literate will once a week, be forced to take turns reading Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll into a loudspeaker in the town square. This will create an endless loop of my favorite poem for all of Offtopic to enjoy Fiv5: ordinary numbers are boring $ix: don’t let Harold out Sven: new gameshow for Offtopic to participate in! Aight: Cash prize to anyone who learns Gregory’s real name Nein: tambourines are banned. They’re too loud. Too powerful. !0: I love you all, not in that way, don’t make it weird. See you on the other side, or not Maybe-soon-to-be-former President Girraffalope, out
Good evening everybody! This is Aifos coming to you alive from the election hall! As per request, I am here to recap all of my campaign promises! 1. An RP set in an underwater city. [quote][i]In his attempts to bring peace & prosperity to his new land, President Aifos has created a huge underwater metropolis for all to enjoy. But all is not well in this city.. What dark secrets could possibly wait under the waves?[/i][/quote] 2. A hangout post with infinute free potatoes! [quote]Every other week (on the weeks when Blaze’s Bar is not up), I will host a thread taking place in a hypothetical restaurant run by me, with infinite free potatoes! Here you can talk about your life, your RP stuffs, your funny video games, whatever you want! I’ll be there to lend an ear![/quote] 3. A weekly game recommendation [quote]Pretty self explanatory this one. I’m sure I play loads of games most of you lot have never heard of! I probably won’t type up full reviews, but I’ll do my best to keep this up every week! (I can get busy though, so you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t get a perfect record here)[/quote] 4. A free magical top hat for everyone! [quote]Impress your friends with magic tricks! These hats can float, conjure up rabbits and doves, and can create magical decks of playing cards![/quote] But that’s all frome me, folks! Jambuhbye, and may the best candidate win!
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