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11/30/2020 6:08:57 PM

Please, please extend Barricade’s height into the ground a little.

I’m beyond tired of deploying a Barricade only to have my feet exposed to splash damage because I foolishly cast it on a tiny slope instead of perfectly flat ground. This is a very old problem (so slim odds of getting it fixed, I know), but with the new content being so focused on Vex (Minotaurs, Hydras, WYVERNS) and Fallen (Servitors, Brigs, Walkers kinda, Scorch cannons sometimes), it’s become much more of a problem.



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  • Is bumping still a thing? Or is my post gonna get removed for that? I’ll risk it. Seems like it’ll create less clutter than just making a new one, ‘cause I do want this to be addressed. Someday.



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  • You could still die from splash damage even if your feet aren’t exposed. Don’t stay behind your shield too long, things like Hydras will just shoot the walls behind you or shoot the floor to the left & right. The aoe will kill you anyway. Also... maybe just pay attention to where you pop your shield lol



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