Well hello everyone
Its my first time posting here in a while inside of a forum so I am quite new to here
I have run into more of a community issue then anything else but i do think Bungie could also add a checkpoint after this
So I was doing the past 3 Days the Divinity Quest till 5 AM from when i arrive from work (Like 20 o clock)
So besides the Broken Rellays, the boss going into the Mote area and etc
The straw that broke the back of this Cabal was that when we killed the Sanctified mind on a Divinity Run, So from start to FINISH (And they patched the checkpoint thing where you could back track suprise there is a wall to block you now there), a random teammate (Which i gladly reported afterwards) disbanded the whole team and also kicked us all into the orbit so let me count that that is 27 hours of tossed gameplay into water with a -blam!- being the last thing that broke it
I pay no mind the others but the last one was just a doozie
Even on my records i tried to go back into to see if there was a checkpoint after you kill a boss... SUPRISE !!! No the boss respawns even after you kill him cause the chests were not touched....
I will not say who it was but there is a full link to the event that happened and that the boss was defeated by everyone and at the end we all got kicked while swearing on his language
I have reported both of them
But i think Bungie you could put a checkpoint after the boss is dead and do like Last Wish where the "Last Boss" drops the intended weekly "Key" and make the Divinity key after you do the puzzle "Charged" so you can open the extra chest and not have to do the puzzle 99999x
Just a thought cause DSC was amazing, Last Wish amazing, Scourge of the Past was great, Leviathan was one of the more stunning scenes i have ever seen Garden everything is well but you really went too much into it....