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12/8/2020 12:01:01 AM

Time for a nostalgia trip! When did you join OT and what did you first think of it?

I first found this place in January of 2019 (has it really already been that long?). The first thing I saw was about a billion posts about the presidential election, which I took to be the actual election, even though there wasn't one. Needless to say, I was very confused. Anyways, I made a couple joke posts that no one saw, and slowly learned about this wonderful garbage heap.
#Offtopic #cmirg



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  • How and why is there a civil war?



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  • I joined back in 2004. The website was so blue. I loved it. I really don't remember how much I participated in the forums. I know I posted in the "introduce yourself" thread, but I think I mainly kept myself to the private groups or halo and community forums. was the first community I joined so it was new, fun and weird.



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    • Oh man. This is a trip. I'm sure my old account has been deleted, so I couldn't log in even if I knew the password. I recently bought the Halo: Master Chief Collection and mowed through the first three games — games I haven't played in over a decade, and that really got the nostalgia flowing. I started thinking about all the bad Halo fan fiction I wrote, looked it up, found it, read it (it's bad) and then popped over here. Saw this thread and decided to create an account and chime in. I was pretty active in this forum back when it was called The Flood from 2005 through about 2007. It was really the first time I was part of an online community, and when I stumbled upon it, it became my own little corner of the internet. I was here all the time. Everyone was into Halo 2, and when the first few teasers for Halo 3 came out, everyone weighed in with what they thought the plot would be and scrutinizing every frame of the first two trailers. People posted all kinds of things. One really popular thread was about users who experienced creepy or unexplained or paranormal things that happened to them. I remember another one where someone started things off with what was essentially a writing prompt in which the Flood was attacking, and people chimed in to continue the story, which lasted at least a few days. I remember topics like politics and religion were either banned or no one really brought them up, but I could be wrong. I don't remember any mods except for Shishka. A few of the more active users I remember were Iceman Assassin, Delta Archer, Reanimation, and Java. And that's really it. I remember it fondly.



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    • I've been lurking for a while. Don't post much. My account is about to hit 6 years. I probably started lurking the forums 1 year after I made my Bungie account.



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    • First checked it out in September. Was scared off because there was a post that said someone’s grandpa died. Then checked back 2 weeks ago and have enjoyed it so much.



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    • Originally showed up with no idea what to expect, joined an RP group for a couple years, place died 3 times, took a year off, returned for a while, took another year off, now I lurk because I kind of have no idea what I want to do :/



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    • When I first joined in September of 2018 I thought off-topic was the biggest sesh pool ever but now I love this community like my own family to some extent.



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    • 由sadguy321編輯: 12/10/2020 4:38:22 PM
      I lurked for about 4 months and joined a week ago



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    • Whenever Forsaken came out. Ik destiny related i am war criminal. I just scrolled down and yeah.



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    • I was introduced to ot by ringer in early late 2019 and my first thought was chaotic evil incarnate



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    • What exactly is OT? I first joined here shortly after Halo 3 release. I saw on the game manual that refers for extensive community interaction. I remember the good ol' times when the flood [i]was[/i] a thing. Everyone had a respectable titles to understood their ranks among us. Even when Recon armor was a huge thing to the community. As the community grew, moderators sprang to action from every corner, every shadow, every where. They all swift into action and brought balance to the community when chaotic nearly took over. Yoozel, Duardo, El Roboto, THE CHIEF87(Now called Skibur), Recon Number 54, Qbix, Foman 123, were the most popular ninjas I've seen lurking the forum and swinging the banhammer. Then there were the employees that often spoke to the community during their free precious time. I miss Mr. Sketch, Frankie, Mr. Hand, Marty, Shishka, Achronos, Stosh, Lukems, sawnose, Webmaster (Monkey with a ten gallon cowboy hat), and who could forget the disembodied soul? Community back then was far different than the community that exist today, as time slowly mature us through iterations changes of this website. The core foundation that bungie built still exist today as a traditional holiday every year. The community comes and goes, ever so evolving around the games they've made. To an extend, they've developed private chapters (Which are now called groups and clans to this day). I wonder what Achronos thought of this website? It must have felt like raising a virtual child to this day.



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      • Couple years ago, I was [i]very[/i] quiet back then. I was very interested in OffTopic, as I finally found a community to talk with.



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      • 由Tiny Førklift編輯: 12/9/2020 3:32:10 PM
        May 2015 sometime. Man those were different times man, this place was a cesspool back. Politics and religion were topics that ruled the forums to an absurd degree and trust me, people werent nicer back then either. Still, I enjoyed the chaos of it. And it was much bigger, way more people. There were a few "famous" users like for example madmax or whatever his name was again, Recon nr 54 (Recon was the xronad of his time), one user who was called "Princess" something, she was quite notourios apparently. My memory is failing me man. Oh, and Engrapadora. He was quite...[i]something[/i], shall we say. All in all, its been interesting being here.



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      • Not even a year ago. Accidentally went into the basement, left, then came back and made myself a different sort of hobby.



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      • 2008. It was organized chaos then.



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      • My first post was about jotunn but I called it a toaster, then Toaster responded to that... But that was from before I was Panzer... A scary time, to be sure But I REALLY joined around March of this year, when my school decided to shut down, and I did some RP and became Panzer



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      • Joined in the summer of 2017. Initially I wandered in and immediately left after reading a few posts. Most of them were political, some of them just people posting links to babylonbee articles, and some were rp. I didn’t go back for a while because it seemed like a boring place. When I inevitably moseyed back through, I found a couple shitposts and said “hey that’s not terrible” and bada bing bada boom here I am babey



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      • 由InfernoValkyro編輯: 12/9/2020 4:59:29 PM
        I joined towards the end of summer break last year, I think it was either tippy or beep that caused me to learn that OT existed. I joined this place, and immediately just went; “oh. This is already better than the normal forums” Edit: it was either summer break of 2018 or 2019 that I joined, can’t remember



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      • I first visited the forums when I picked up D1, which was a few months before the launch of D2. However, I remained a lurker until they threatened to destroy OffTopic. My first post was a plea on behalf of our survival. A few months later, since I couldn’t stand the salt on the main forums and a couple of users like Lord Graviton had cool spoiler catchphrases, I decided to repurpose an iconic line from my namesake movie for my own. [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]



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      • Veni, Vidi, Ego Missae.



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        • I first found Offtopic way back near the end of Destiny one, but i didn't really get into it. Then Destiny 2 came out and I came back on the app, sometime back in Fall 2019 I rediscovered it. It was a fun place! I got into RP and had a lot of fun there. The community also seemed very close and that brought me in.



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          • I joined two weeks ago out of curiosity.



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            • 由Cultmeister編輯: 12/8/2020 5:02:58 AM
              I don’t even remember what I thought about this place it’s been so long. September 2008, I joined to look at halo 3 news and stats and stuff, then discovered the forums sometime afterwards, I think I first came on to ask where a skull was or something, and gravitated towards The Flood because heck it was a place to kick back from all the AR/BR arguments and people complaining LASO was too hard. All I can remember from back then is being an idiotic 15 year old with ‘opinions’ lol. Politics and religion weren’t banned yet I don’t think so flamewars got pretty bad and long-winded before people were banned or the thread was locked. The pre-trollface memes were still circling hard ([url=]i can only really think of this one but I’m sure there were others floating about[/url]), and to be honest the only real difference between then and now (besides the politics and religion) is the activity which was through the roof in comparison, and the way they’d replace bad words with -blam!- instead of just banning you like these days. I’m glad they kept the [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] one though, that was always my favourite. Oh yeah, and there were meatspin links all over the place, and similar sites that people would try to get you to click on. I don’t really know what happened to that kinda thing...



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              • Ehhh, after the shadow war in Lore I joined because Lore can be... interesting sometimes [spoiler]Sips Tea[/spoiler]



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              • Hm... I downloaded the app during the summer last year, I think, but I never really ventured down into Offtopic. I just remember all the “salt,” so after a while I just stopped using the app. It must have been in the fall of that year that I made my first post, which regrettably was a bait post I thought people “just do” here. Looking back, that was pretty dumb, lol. Like a month later I noticed some of the cooler things that happen here compared to other offtopic sub forums, so I lurked around a bit. To be honest, I think it was the RPs that got me going. The first one I saw was actually when Dink came in with his big ship to kidnap Blaze (and failed)! I think that was in the fall, anyway... time seems to just melt together sometimes, lol. Very glad I found this place, though. I really appreciate the kindness of some of the people I’ve met. I’ve only been in OT for about a year and it’s... still strange to see how things have changed.



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                • I joined when Offtopic was still called The Flood. Back then, The Flood had basically the largest concentration of internet trolls on the internet, or at least it felt that way. It was a pretty chaotic forum at times. There were constant parody threads and troll threads, and carpet bans were not unusual. The ninjas really had their hands full back then.



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