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12/8/2020 11:31:59 PM

HDR setting makes the game super dark.

I'm on PS4 and yes my TV is fine, everything looks great except for D2 Beyond Light w/HDR on as of 12/03. So, up ulntil 12/03 I only experienced the inverted color issue that was fixed with today's (12/08) patch. However, on 12/03 with HDR turned on everything is super dark (not in a good way) and the colors are dull, not vibrant at all. I had to turn off HDR in D2 Beyond Light in order to play. Anyone else experience this? I've tried fiddling with D2's settings but that doesn't help at all. Finally have a 4k HDR TV and can no longer play D2 Beyond Light with HDR on. That's just peachy.



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