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12/9/2020 7:58:05 PM

Is Prophecy harder this season?

I tried flawlessly solo-ing it a few times yesterday. I used to be able to get to the final boss easily, but now I get overwhelmed by red-bar trash mobs @ Phalanx Echo. As such I can’t even 3-phase Phalanx Echo before dying to a random red-bar (no exaggeration). Theories/Explanations: 1) MTop got sunset, but Prophecy @ 1050/1070 shouldn’t matter if my light level is otherwise comfortable. 2) MTop’s splash damage got nerfed to oblivion. 3) Loss of Taken Barrier & Invigoration. W/o Invigoration, I can’t Wormhusk into invis at will. 4) No more Oppressive Darkness (but this doesn’t really matter against trash mobs). If the culprit is MTop’s splash & all-around nerf, I’ll probably switch to Witherhord/Guillotine instead of MTop/Anarchy for Phalanx Echo as well as Kell Echo. Any other suggestions?



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