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由Cacoastrum編輯: 12/12/2020 10:55:04 PM

Please extend Barricade’s vertical length a bit so that it clips into the ground underneath by a foot or two, to make it useful on slopes and uneven terrain.

[url=]My previous post on this subject.[/url] As I said in that post, Barricade is useless on even a small incline or uneven terrain. Splash damage gets through the small gap left beneath the shield like a dog digging under a fence, and my Titan gets vaporized from the ankles up. That doesn’t seem like an intentional drawback, and I think it needs to change. Europa especially seems to highlight this weakness, with the large amount of natural terrain, greebled Vex structures, and Hydras. Edit: and Taken Knight Fire goes straight through it, even on perfectly level ground! That’s distressing. Fix that too please.



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