better yet, make larger maps so I can use other weapons. Scout rifles are extinct, bows are extinct, 450rpm pulse rifles are garbage compared to the slower firing ones. Seriously I Don’t care about hand cannons having their range back but its the only viable choice at the moment because they have just as much range as pulse rifles. The iron banner hand cannon is now my go to hand cannon because I can reliably 3 tap players at extremely far ranges of 40 meters which is insane! Might as well call it a scout. Apart from the slow fire pulse rifles, I cant find any reason to ever use a 450rpm which means they need a damage buff or turn all pulse rifles in the game into the slow fire ones so they can reliably 2 tap. Sometimes less is more, having so many archetypes doesn’t always benefit the balance of the game.
We are currently in a stasis, close range meta. Snipers finally got aim assist nerfed which is awesome but for some reason the large pvp maps got sunset so there is no reason to even use a sniper! Other than 600rpm auto rifles, I also cant find any reason to use the other archetypes, their ttk just suck, their recoil suck, their range suck, their handling is terrible. When are these weapon archetypes going to get buffed? Handcannons got it pretty good right now, the slow fire ones are dominating the long range and the faster fire ones like hawkmoon or thorn are dominating mid to close range which is fine, whatever. I dont want handcannons being the only viable choice, I love using different weapons but I refuse to put myself at a disadvantage. Seriously who wants to put in double the work to get the same results if they were using a meta weapon archetype?
Other weapon archetypes also needs buffs, smg’s just suck, they should be able to melt anything at 10-15 meters with a ttk of about 0.6-0.7 and make them have a massive damage falloff after that. Auto rifles can keep their 0.8 ttk so this way there is an actual difference between an smg and an auto rifle. Side arms are actually fine where they are currently so thats cool but what about bows? They feel so clunky and slow, Even with god rolls they feel terrible. Archers tempo should be an intrinsic perk on all bows as well as snapshot so they don’t feel clunky and slow. Anyway I’m done ranting, I’m just really bored of being back in a hand cannon meta. The auto rifle meta sucked but it was at least a breath of fresh air, please fix your balance already! Where the heck is that pvp renewed focus?