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1/1/2021 5:25:05 PM

There’s Nothing Left in Destiny

My friends and I were day one players but the game was so awful on launch we just dropped the game. With COVID happening this last year, we were suddenly left with a ton of time and decided we could come back and try the game again. Upon coming back last summer, there was so much content, whether it was old or new, and we had more than enough to do every day we got on. It was refreshing for a destiny game to not feel tedious and always feel new, but I fear this will never happen again. In order to take advantage of the content Bungie puts out from now on, you have to do it on release, else it will be too old to be worth it (sunset gear) or will be deleted (because apparently that’s how you keep a game fresh? idk). I’ve seen people saying that the deleting of events wasn’t all that bad since they were generally the least played content, but I would strongly beg to differ. Take the menagerie for example, one of the least desired pieces of removed content. Sure the menagerie wasn’t the best and felt tedious like much of the game, but it had a cool catch: you got targeted loot. The removal in my eyes is similar to if Bungie decided crucible was the most played so they remove gambit. Just because something isn’t played as much doesn’t mean it needs to be deleted. If you’re going to delete something, delete the horrendous community events for a start. Also, why ever delete anything? I don’t understand why it makes sense to remove content from a game, ESPECIALLY raids in Destiny. Unless you have never played the raids, you know they are without question the most exciting activities you can do in Destiny, as well as (generally speaking) the most rewarding. Even if a raid is dated, why not just leave it in the game with sunset loot? Personally I don’t think any raid or raid gear should be sunset because they are the most interesting pieces of the game, but it seems like we’re past that point. Why not have a raids playlist? If the gear has to be deleted, why not still have the raid with no loot just because it is fun and interesting and then at the least you could grind for triumphs? Why does Bungie delete their game to make it better? It’s simple, they can’t make it better. This whole thing is a money grab at this point. Over all the years I’ve played Destiny 1 and 2, I have spent hundreds of dollars now on TWO games just so I can continue to play it. That’s just downright disappointing. I love Destiny and I love the formula for the game, but when all we get through the entire year is chores simulator as a community event every other month, I’m constantly let down. Don’t even get me started on the dawning rewards. Anyways, here’s to a better 2021. - Soup



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  • The best thing to do once you’ve reached the top is to help others reach the top. ✊



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    • 由lCertifiedl編輯: 1/4/2021 11:33:19 AM
      I think there's a turning point coming soon. Bungie admit they won't be making more content and playerbase will be getting less, more content taken away than added and awful season activities that are literally copy and paste's of each other. I'm hoping they just drop it and start another game, proper disappointed In the direction this game has gone, used to be class, not it's just a steaming pile of rehashed garbage. The addicts still think it's good though, so that's what's matters 🙄



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      • Destiny 1 biggest flaw was its lack of content, after Shadowkeep at last we had a ton of content, it needed some adjustments but it was great! Losing so much content to get so little is such a joke.



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        • Game is dead, people need to accept it and move on. Bungie does not respect players or their time.



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          20 回覆
          • I wish people from bungie would see this post. Not naming any names Cos I got banned for a month for that. But y’all know



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          • 由hyperpool編輯: 1/3/2021 7:48:25 PM
            well if things carry on Bungie carry on turning the screw on the community more players will leave. also not many new players will stay as running around earth doing patrols isn't much fun its time for bungo to start giving things back before its bye bye destiny



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            • Of course because you played nonstop for 2 months and have several near max level characters. What are you expecting from a damn video game? To suck you off? A majorities game currently out can get boring after 2 months. Your other options are: Fortnite, Dead by daylight Call of Duty, yet another Call of Duty, Apex Stagnant Legands, ummm...A bunch of single player games that also get boring after 2 months of nonstop gameplay and...Cyberpunk 2077. Good luck!



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              8 回覆
              • The fanboys will continue to defend a terrible game as if their life depends on it. As long as bungie gets their bucks, the game won’t change for the better.



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                • Yet people still defend it, what's to defend? How the hell do people defend this when what Bungie's done is indefensible? I guess the saying is true, some people will buy [i]anything[/i].



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                  • [quote]My friends and I were day one players but the game was so awful on launch we just dropped the game. With COVID happening this last year, we were suddenly left with a ton of time and decided we could come back and try the game again. Upon coming back last summer, there was so much content, whether it was old or new, and we had more than enough to do every day we got on. It was refreshing for a destiny game to not feel tedious and always feel new, but I fear this will never happen again. In order to take advantage of the content Bungie puts out from now on, you have to do it on release, else it will be too old to be worth it (sunset gear) or will be deleted (because apparently that’s how you keep a game fresh? idk). I’ve seen people saying that the deleting of events wasn’t all that bad since they were generally the least played content, but I would strongly beg to differ. Take the menagerie for example, one of the least desired pieces of removed content. Sure the menagerie wasn’t the best and felt tedious like much of the game, but it had a cool catch: you got targeted loot. The removal in my eyes is similar to if Bungie decided crucible was the most played so they remove gambit. Just because something isn’t played as much doesn’t mean it needs to be deleted. If you’re going to delete something, delete the horrendous community events for a start. Also, why ever delete anything? I don’t understand why it makes sense to remove content from a game, ESPECIALLY raids in Destiny. Unless you have never played the raids, you know they are without question the most exciting activities you can do in Destiny, as well as (generally speaking) the most rewarding. Even if a raid is dated, why not just leave it in the game with sunset loot? Personally I don’t think any raid or raid gear should be sunset because they are the most interesting pieces of the game, but it seems like we’re past that point. Why not have a raids playlist? If the gear has to be deleted, why not still have the raid with no loot just because it is fun and interesting and then at the least you could grind for triumphs? Why does Bungie delete their game to make it better? It’s simple, they can’t make it better. This whole thing is a money grab at this point. Over all the years I’ve played Destiny 1 and 2, I have spent hundreds of dollars now on TWO games just so I can continue to play it. That’s just downright disappointing. I love Destiny and I love the formula for the game, but when all we get through the entire year is chores simulator as a community event every other month, I’m constantly let down. Don’t even get me started on the dawning rewards. Anyways, here’s to a better 2021. - Soup[/quote] I’d have to agree with the why delete anything. I’m retired and will never boot this game up again for starters. I feel at this point that if it’s going to take up a lot of storage on consoles then so be it. The person playing Destiny everyday will see this and adapt albeit make more room. Can’t please the world but never take away and then to reshape it like it’s new and I had to grind for it and it’s just essentially a skin?!! Retired...



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                  • Bungie is like that best friend you had in highschool that you loved so you try to keep in touch, but they ended up like a Trump supporter or something. Even though you still wanna love 'em you can't get past all the cringy sh*t they keep doing and saying so you just slowly distance yourself



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                    5 回覆
                    • 1. As of writing this, this post is 5 hours old and you played 4 hours ago. Really? 2. If they kept everything, the game could easily be the size of 2 other games combined. The loading times would have been insufferable like Anthem was and they removed the least played content. 3. If you are playing with friends, most games aren’t boring. I play terrible games with friends and I still have fun. 4. Have you done any raids or master nightfall? They are the best end game activities and give tons of good loot



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                      24 回覆
                      • The strike playlist is dead. There is no campaign to replay. Weapons pool is tiny & has holes (certain archetypes missing) Gambit is a one sided mess. Cosmodrome is almost pointless. Raids are gone. PvP is a mess. Europa was cool for 2-3 weeks, but now it has jus settled as a bland white space with annoying weather. I love(d) this game, but this DCV & sunsetting has jus choked the life & variety out of it. It's now a small, stunted collection of ok ideas executed badly. As for the community event 🙄



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                        • The truth is that I think that the Covid has been a cheap excuse for not giving us content, I am going to give a practical example, Digital Extremes who are the developer of Warframe, in the middle of the pandemic and from home, being a much smaller team than Bungie, I put out an event every month, it brought an incredible and vast open world, tons of weapons, Necramechs, new pets, several new characters. Let each draw their own conclusions.



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                        • Destiny is now a shell of its former self.



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                          1 回覆
                          • to quote cayde-6 your stuff, gone! my stuff gone! more importantly my stuff! earth? gone. tv? gone! ketchup mustard? all gone! even the puppies! i know right? who does that!?



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                            3 回覆
                            • I joined a clan and enjoy raiding. I want to get the rocket launcher. I also spent some time farming the lost sectors for the exotic armor I wanted for a crucible build.



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                            • I still have a blast in the alters of sorrow



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                              • Fanboys would say otherwise



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                                1 回覆
                                • To me the fun in Destiny has always been earning gear in pve to bring into pvp. Now that all gear is on a timer and pvp is dead I have lost most of my motivation to play either pve or pvp.



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                                  1 回覆
                                  • 由damnter編輯: 1/2/2021 8:18:04 PM
                                    Every word you've just sayd about the state of this game is completly true. This game has such potential and there's no other game like this but Luke Smith is running this game into the ground. It just gets worse every time. Chores for materials and no really worthwile rewards. Re-grind the same thing over and over again for rewards that have been sunset. On top of that they some how managed to run pvp into even further in to the ground. It's sad. This game has so much potential. It really needs new management.



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                                    1 回覆
                                    • They deleted most of the content to optimise for better loading times and less space. Which is a lazy way of doing it. Rather than invest in their game. They made a bullshit excuse.



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                                      22 回覆
                                      • I’ll be the first to say I loved menagerie! It was so fun speeding through it IMO



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                                      • Yes Buy Cheat and Exploited the PvP games.



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                                      • anti cheat



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                                      • Tuesday I get the raid title, and after that there doesn’t seem to be much left for this season for me



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