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1/5/2021 4:12:09 AM

Aztecross was right, I do feel ignored

In Aztecross's most recent video, he spoke about how stasis is basically ruining crucible. More and more players are feeling like PvP is unplayable without getting turned into an Ice-Pop and demolished before you have a chance to say "Oh no". Bungie's only answer so far has been... to fix Coldfront with Dragonfly. I'm glad we're on the same page... I can't even enjoy a game of mayhem anymore without being killed by 1 cast of Silence & Squall 3 times. I haven't figured out how to record yet on my pc, but i'm sure we've already all been killed in spawn before even being able to move by this joke of an ultimate more than once. [u]But I'm more of a PvE player, so let's talk about that.[/u] This season along with most others just keep feeling like the same thing, reskinned enemies in PvE and now Sunset weapons... but brought back without even changing the name to grind for... again? Why? I thought permanence was [i]supposed[/i] a big thing in this game? Building my guardian and my personality upon the things I've found, and grind for. I guess not, considering I still have to wait for Transmog to even come out to make my titan look good and keep up with the light level. While on the topic of grinding for things though, I'd like to talk about being able to play more than just one strike constantly because the Strike Playlist is awfully done or coded. For once within the next two weeks, I'd love to load up a strike and not hear the words "HELLO DEAD THING", it's getting very obnoxious. If we're able to simulate The Lighthouse (In Trials), why can't we just simulate strikes? I don't understand why I can still hear Cayde-6 who's been dead for a while now in the "Arm's Dealer" Strike, but I can't destroy some guardians who were turned into void crystals on Titan. I love doing strikes, but i'm tired of doing the SAME ones when I know you just vaulted them for the sake of what? The players storage space? Please, do something about this lack of interaction. I know i'm not the only one becoming more disinterested.



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  • 由TheArtist編輯: 1/6/2021 5:26:16 PM
    I left a comment in Aztecross' comment section that told him that he got the "Elephant in the Living Room" wrong. The REAL Elephant in the Destiny Living Room is that the marriage between PVE and PVP in this game is a BAD marriage and is not working. What PVP and PVE want from the game's sandbox are incompatible....neither side is willing to we have irreconcilable difference. The longer this goes on without some sort of divorce, the more one or both sides of the game are going to be unhappy. NO one has been able to make a marriage of a loot game with "competitive " PVP work. Its why the vast majority of loot games dont' HAVE PvP...and the few who do they are built around contests of build-strength and not contests of skill. IOW, playing the pvp of a game that is a loot-game....a space-magic game....and a power-fantasy game....and not dying on a regular basis TO that space magic is an unrealistic expectation. People want PvP to be a gun game, when Destiny is-not-and-never-has-been a gun game. This is not Halo...and it never will be. Bungie is eventually going to either have to seperate the sandboxes or do what every other dev winds up doing. Which is picking one side of the game over the other. Bungie appears to have quietly done this....and picked PvE over PvP. I believe that this is part of Smiths "Unification of Vision" for the game. Just one part that hasn't been shared with us. [quote][i]This season along with most others just keep feeling like the same thing, reskinned enemies in PvE and now Sunset weapons... but brought back without even changing the name to grind for... again? Why?[/i][/quote] Simple. WHERE IN THE GAME HAS THIS BEEN DONE? Answer: In the parts of the game that are free-to-play. If you play the parts of the game where you are playing PAID content...that's where you're going to find all the new loot. Why are we playing "reskinned" enemies? BECAUSE WE ARE FIGHTING A WAR....not playing an "adventure". There are only so many different simultaneous "wars" one group of people can fight before any an all "Suspension of Disbelief" gets broken beyond repair. ...and any notion that we are immersed in a believable, though fictional world dies....and the game just becomes an arcade game at that point. There is only so much "newness" Bungie can add to this 7 year old franchise, while still maintaining any sense that this conflict is a struggle between clearly defined groups. That its an actuall WAR. [quote]I thought permanence was supposed a big thing in this game?[/quote] That permanence doesn't extend to loot or the power in the game it repreents. NO loot game can allow that, because it destroys the game. EVERY long-running loot game has to retire power from the game (capping item level like Bungie has done is far-and-away the best way to do it) in some fashion. Otherwise the game destroys itself. Like an engine without an exhaust system. Bungie made this community a promise that it NEVER should have EVER made...and that it had NO relalistic chance of EVER making good on. It was an act of arrogance and ignorance on their part 5 years ago. The problem isn't that they failed to keep it. The problem was that it was ever offered in the first place. Without Sunsetting this game would have NEVER made it another 3 years. IT was already starting to die last year. You just needed to know where to look to see it.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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