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1/19/2021 6:44:14 PM

Season 13's new mechanics and Faction Wars

With beyond light's release and the disappearance of planets like Mars, and Mercury, we lost a good chunk of PVE activities that most players would spend hours and days participating on. Since the beginning of D2 we've seen many features come and go, but what I see that has always been a problem is that there's hardly any activities/missions/ locations to fill those empty spaces that removed content left when they cycle out of the game. Let's not ignore the elephant in the Room, there's plenty that can be done to fill up empty gaps. Bungie is shooting at some good targets with the changes that have unraveled in the last few years - hands down to that. We saw the guardian games come, and even though it was great to make the community face-off against each other. Good move, but what happened to FACTION WARS? we have so many NPC's just sitting around in the tower, why don't we bring FW back? Why can't we pull activities like such that made everyone want to grind for gear and weapons. Faction Wars had so much to offer, and it wouldn't be wrong to present this back to players, seeing the new changes coming into pvp-price pools, it's easy to incorporate this system to faction NPC's and in term bring back activities and variety back into the game. Definitely something to look into for the future, and to keep the game alive and EVOLVING.



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  • Because, "making content is too hard." "Its too hard for us a bungie to make content." Even had bungie quoted to say, "It takes us 8 hours to reboot our system" "that's why nothing is fixed fast" Bungie is incapable of doing any real work. Bungie's business model is now minimal effort at maximum cost for the customer. We've lost good bungie after VoG was released. It's been a slow fall, then Luke Smith grabs the reigns and said, full speed ahead straight into the ground.



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