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由Sapphiron16編輯: 1/24/2021 4:19:53 AM

Sunsetting even conflicts with the lore

So, If I recall correctly, Prometheus lens was considered "new" golden age tech. The First Exotic that was created in the current age, instead of being reassembled or Reclaimed like the rest of the golden Age gear. It is BRAND NEW technology. So if Our current Cryptarchs are able to invent NEW tech and equipment, and if we are able to continue to maintain and update our current Exotics, then WHY can we not do the same for Standard Issue guns and armor? Legendaries are basically standard issue now, The Vanguard, Shaxx, ETC, just HAND them to us. I would think the inner workings of Exotics like Graviton Lance, Thorn, and Hardlight are FAR more complicated then anything the Vanguard can give us. A gun that fires Miniature black holes has alot more going on then a pulse rifle that fires bullets that hit the target's face harder if the first shot hit their chest. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that's true then Sunsetting absolutely makes no sense unless they sunset Exotics too, but then THAT would result in the games immediate death after all the steps you have to go through in order to acquire Thorn just to have it thrown away! Bungie isn't going to do that so I don't think there is anything they can do that makes Sunsetting fit in the lore at all. Oh, I made a huge post on sunsetting where I discuss alot more issues with this mechanic if you want to read about it.



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