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由ill skillz編輯: 1/29/2021 8:09:49 PM

Glassway strike - 30 Minutes Timer Crew

Firstly this isn’t a peeing constant or d measuring post! It’s a humble request and shout out to ANYONE who managed to do this god awful and hard strike in general. [b][u]Then a special shout out to players who (like myself) SWEATED in doing this in 30 minutes mode before losing revives. [/u][/b] Well NOT doing in the time limit - but running out of lives at 30 minutes. I don’t know how to beat this in under 30 minutes with void burn and extra damage when jumping the vex milk bs. Even in 45 minutes this strike is hard and kudos to you if you did it in the time frame ?! I dont know how ?! But kudos!!! Stay safe and peace! Special emblems?!?



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