The Roars Of dawn is open . Come join the pride. We have never missed a season never bot gotten a flag done. No rules other then respect. And putting in a little time every week to help build the flag up.
Always active members. Always looking to grow a d build. We are also looking for admins and recruiters. People interested in building a community.
But also if your a lone wolf. Dont have a issue issuing LFG or apps to find people.
Or tend to knock content out solo. And more or less dont need alot of help. But want a clan who knocks out there flag every season. And always has a few people on. If you want a place where you will not be bothered every time your on to join up. Or threatened with being kicked from the clan when the content is light and you have knocked it all out. We do not remove people for not being on for not putting in so many hours. As long as you put in some time when we have actual content your good. Causal gamers are WELCOME!!!! AS well as vets.
If you dont like pvp dont worry we wont try and talk you into playing it. Same goes for raids. We except all types of gamers.
Last bit if your user name ps4 tag or whatever has anything vile in it. Anything sexual , racist, sexist, demeaning, or crude you will be denyed entry. We are not about that. And if you are this is not the place for you. What's funny to you might be offensive to others
We participate in the following on a regular basis:
- Strikes
- Nightfalls (regular runs)
- Raids (multiple fire teams)
- Quests/ Adventures
- Public Events/ Patrols
- Crucible
- Trials
Our members tend to have full time jobs so the clan is casual/semi competitive and most active:
- Weekdays (All Hours)
- Weekends ( All Hours)
If you can hold a controller, aim and shoot, then thats good enough for us!
We're looking for personality and skill set. We'll help you to reach max light eventually.
Requirements for joining:
- Must be aged 21 and over.
- A positive and friendly attitude (no rage quits).
- A mic for Raids (if you're not very talkative thats fine - but raid communication is vital)
- Be willing to help others on occasion
How to Join:
- Either click link above and apply
Do not try and join while in a clan or you will be DENYED. We have had issues with wessels trying to snake or members away to there clans.
As stated before if your PSN tag has anything remotely dickish in it you will be denyed. If it has anything sexual or immature , 69nuking buttholebob ect. We do this is a clan for chill mature adults. I'm not knocking anyone choice in names. But if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck........ lol you get me.
Any sign your PSN looks suspect. You will be denyed and blocked. Oh we will be checking profiles.
You can tell alot about a person from there profile.
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