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由BrujaMalvada編輯: 3/4/2021 5:37:12 PM

Another (minor) strikes bug, Stasis != Solar

Burn is solar. Ran 2 Vanguard strikes as Solar, 3rd one as Stasis, got weekly Vanguard Strikes completion "credit" and supposed Pinnacle. For me this sucked because I was deliberately trying to hold off getting the Pinnacle until I'd done some more Powerful rewards bounties. Not that I expect Bungie to care about what's probably a one-line coding bug that screws the player...



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  • 由EckyThump編輯: 3/4/2021 5:44:32 PM
    Strikes have a weekly rotating light-elemental burn, and two modifiers which rotate daily. Stasis singe is one of these daily modifiers, along with things like Grenadier and Heavyweight. Right now, the weekly singe is Solar and the two daily modifiers are Stasis singe and Iron. As per the pinnacle challenge text, 'Complete strikes using the same subclass as the currently active elemental burn', running Stasis when the Stasis singe daily modifier is active, will count towards the pinnacle.



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