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3/25/2021 9:43:30 PM

Looking for active clan

2 players looking for an active clan. Both have mic and are over 18. We don't do discord so will communicate over xbox live.



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  • [quote]2 players looking for an active clan. Both have mic and are over 18. We don't do discord so will communicate over xbox live.[/quote] Hello There! Rogue Legion of Guardians is looking for active members. We are a USA clan with members from around the world. States/UK/Australia/Dubai (So there's always someone on to play with.) All our members are friendly, English speaking and active. Weekends may vary due to family commitments. (Real life priorities come first) We are looking for adult (18+) members to join our clan. We’re an active clan, seeking all  game activities. ******CLAN REQUIREMENTS******  You MUST be 18+years old to join our clan  You MUST be on Xbox (once season 15 starts everyone on different consoles are welcomed) Must be active at least 2 or 3 days a week  We use our Band group or D2 app for communication with the group/setting up events; message me for the link to join our band chat.  Failure to respect others in the clan or offend them in any personal way will result in your removal from the clan.  Enjoy and be helpful so others will be helpful to you! Our admins, Founder and Members are always at hand to help should you need support in an activity or quest line. Simply create an event on Band or post on D2 app or ask in game and wait for a member to join. Private message for band link to our chat. <<IMPORTANT>> If you are inactive for an extended period, simply let our Founder know or you will be removed after approx. 4 weeks. We try and keep active players to ensure you have someone to play with. Please note we have different time zones. Give us a go - Check out our Destiny2 clan!



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  • Original Liquid Skies Community on Xbox | A return to focusing on a strong 3 Clan Destiny 2 Community 🔵PvP/End game clan. 🔵Uk US CA 🔵Active 18+ 🔵Discord Game with us, experienced players here. Please message for further details. Invite Only. Thankyou mixitup1 🔵Liquid Skies 🔵Liquidate 🔵Liquid.



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  • If you change your mind about discord message me! We do all our in game chatting when we play via Xbox live party chats but our clan uses discord to coordinate activities, raids and playtime and to talk to each other throughout the day. Have plenty of room for 2 players! [b]Clan Name[/b]: Insidious ™ 2.0 [b]System[/b]: XBOX only at the moment [b]Location[/b]: A strong mix of US and UK members. We have members in at least 5 different time zones so there’s always someone to team up with! [b]Usual Busy Time[/b]: 24/7 on most days [b]How to Join[/b]: PM for an invite to our Discord here on bungie or my personal discord: il blondie li#3704 (all lowercase)! [b]Our Community[/b] We are [b]Insidious ™ 2.0[/b], a XBOX1-based male and female gaming community and we're seeking some mature, active PvE and PvP players to come join our fam! Our lot is a mix of so many different members locations (UK, US, EU, Canada, Mexico, South Africa to name a few) that it’s awfully hard not to find a bloke (or lass) to play with. [b]We’ve gotten too large to just home one 100 member clan so we are currently recruiting for our SECOND CLAN![/b] Join us we have cookies i promise ;) We are mostly PvE players with a few dedicated PvP players too! We also have awesome raid teams that actively teach and run all the raids. A lot of us are endgame players so new content usually takes priority first but we’re always happy to help when we can help! [b]Rules and requirements[/b] • ⁠Have a discord and join ours. Discord is shared between both clans so we can coordinate activities together! • ⁠Be respectful towards all players (harassment or toxic behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated). • Like Pepe (although I don’t so it won’t be held against you) • ⁠Communicate and help others (especially newbies). • ⁠Most importantly - enjoy yourself! Think you’re up for the new fam guardian? PM me here or on discord (my username is all lowercase if you are having trouble reaching me here, on Xbox 1 or on discord)



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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