I just finished the ornament quest that requires you to hit 20 precision hits and 50 killing blows in the crucible with a sniper and it made me realise how of snipers feel.
The maps are quite small and really good sight lines are rare. In most situations I felt at a disadvantage having a sniper equipped. Because even at long ranges 120 HCs can hit you for high flinch and damage.
Of course it’s not a problem if you are a quick scope flick and drag shot pro but that’s not the majority.
I thought I was just because I was bad at sniping
[spoiler]wich probably played a part, but I would say I have some experience, since snipers were all I used in D1[/spoiler]
So I went back to Destiny 1 and straight up hit headshots left and right and finished the game with a 3+ K/D using a double sniper load out. Sniping just felt so much better.
What do you guys think of the current place of sniping?
Max You make some valid points and I agree that ever verse should be removed from this game. But Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let’s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta’aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
My 2 cents. D1 game feels better overall than D2. The guns in D1 feels like guns. They exudes a certain power. You can feel that power even for just a little. D2 guns are so restricting. The game and the guns feel so restricting. It's like taking a dump and you're having a constipation! Yeah, that's it! When sh!tting, D1 is like a 3-pointer while D2 is a constipation! 😂😂😂 Logic! 💩! In this case, no 💩! Get it?...
Honestly, I'm fine with not seeing snipers often. The way you get more snipers in the sandbox is reducing their flinch, or raising their ease of use in some other way and doing so just makes them completely unfun to play against. The amount of times I'd get headshot mid burst while using a high cal pulse was genuinely infuriating, and just made me feel grateful for the matches where I didn't see someone with Revoker or Beloved.
I just wish they would reduce the zoom on scopes a little bit. They just nerfed aim assist and flinch [i]and[/i] increased the zoom. The flinch nerf was needed, the aim assist? Debatable. But along with those nerfs the increase to zoom was just a bit overboard. Just my opinion/thoughts.
由Joshazorr編輯: 4/3/2021 8:31:52 AMI had a fairly decent break from the game when the nerf hit them so I'm not 100% sure what the actual written % of stats changed were but to me when I use one now it just seems like if the wind happens to blow my reticle is now pointing at the moon lol not very fun so F it if bungie want me to shotgun ape so be it
Sniping got nerfed along the way. I can't quick scope or drag snipe anymore. You have to hold for a sec or two before pulling the trigger. In a game that is now flooded with 120 HCs...it would be nice if sniping actually worked.
If you’re having trouble sniping in D2, it’s likely because you’re overthinking it. It’s [i]not[/i] hard to abuse them or any special weapon at any level. Just try a few games where you audaciously go for shots you normally wouldn’t while using a rifle with Quickdraw. I promise you’ll “improve” quicker than you think. It’s less about the shots you CAN make than it is the ones you’re willing to [i][b]try[/b][/i].
They are OHK at any range and even bodyshots are a serious threat from 72rpm snipers. It sucks the life/fun out of crucible when 8-10 people in every lobby are scoping lanes all match every match. I'll take shotguns 100 times out of 100 instead of that. They're just fine how they are.
it only caters to the flick magic stick pros anybody else is stuffed. it should be a SNIPER, not a "magic flick head shot in incredible circumstances" gun. the headshot should be a reward for scoping in and lining up a shot, not quickly taking it out in a melee battle and getting a headshot automatically due to the way its programmed. its nonsense
Snipers themselves are fine. The flinch nerf was needed. If you are getting shot in the face repeatedly, you shouldn't be able to easily nail headshots. Full stop. The real issue is the maps that don't favor sniping. Instead of complaining so hard about weapons, we should be pushing for new maps or at least bringing back larger maps like Equinox.
Bungie nerfed snipers a few seasons ago in order to make them have a higher skill to use. Which means the top tier killers are still mercilessly murdering everyone, just a little harder. But the average Joe’s can’t even use them. Lame!
All the casuals on here are shotgun mains. They wanted snipers nerfed to the ground, but bungie wont do anything about shotguns. More like they cant do. I truly want to use a sniper, but these map designs and current meta dont allow for that.
50 zoom sniper (succession/frozen orbit) 2x targeting mods + targeting adjuster (+25 aa) Sniper unflinching Hitbox is based off zoom so dont waste time with non 50 zoom snipers (except adored if you dont have snapshot succession/orbit).
I was playing at midnight yesterday, and it just taught me never to play PvP on a weekday night again. The only people who play during that are people that have nothing else to do but try hard. I even got bagged, and they guy messaged me saying that is what I get for using an off meta load out. The maps are way too small to snipe, and it’s annoying because shotguns are out of control