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由Seraphim Crypto編輯: 4/29/2021 7:11:35 AM

Jav-4 twice in 4 weeks means I cannot get my Flawless title and guild.

Let me pre-face this by saying I am in high school, do sports 5-10 hours a week and work 10-15 hours a week. Anytime I have free time I play Destiny and recently have been working on my Flawless title. My goal in Destiny has been for a long time to get every title in the game, and recently when the guilds came out to get every guild in the game. As of right now the only title/guild other than Flawless I am missing is Chosen which I will get this week. I have always struggled with PvP and getting all the triumphs related to the titles done. I had a friend who offered to help me with the triumph but was unable to help me until the last four weeks of the season. So I turned to LFG and streams to try and find anyone who would help me for free. This often took me up to 3 hours find someone to help me. When My friend was finally able to help me, we got to work getting almost all of the triumphs done for the basic title. As of right now all I need to do to get the title is get a flawless on three more maps and do 10 wins on a card of wealth. My friend as well told me he would help me finish the title and the guild all in the last week of trials. He as well had some friends who would also be down to help me out. We were all set and ready to go but we did not anticipate getting Jav-4 twice in a four week period screwing over a chance at me ever getting the guild. I was extremely crushed at the fact that I would fail at my main goal in Destiny, I would fail the the goal I have sunk a couple thousand hours of work into. This last week I went flawless to see if it would work anyways for the triumph that required me to get a flawless on 6 different maps. And as you can see that did not work, however it did work for the seasonal triumph that only required 4. I would LOVE to see Bungie add something that would allow me to still complete the title and get the guild this season. As of right now I am still playing it out just in case something unlikely happens that would allow me to get the title and guild. One thing I do want Bungie to know is that I think it is awesome that they let twitter decide what map would be that week. But I would encourage them to make sure no map would repeat itself more than twice in a six week period. I am positive other people going for the title and guild have also been screwed out of their triumph just as I. I want everyone to understand I am not mad at anyone directly just frustrated more at myself for not finding someone to help me a little earlier. Thanks again everyone for their time, and I wish you all a wonderful day! I would also like to apologize for making this post so late after Jav-4 was chosen as a map, but this is the only opportunity I have really had time to do this. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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