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由o Toste o編輯: 5/5/2021 3:23:53 PM

Eyes of Tomorrow Part 2

So, I ran Deep Stone Crypt last night. We didn't do the Red Rover challenge, we did 1 full raid. One of my buddies and I grabbed checkpoints, then we ran the boss CP 2 times. To my surprise (sarcasm), I still haven't received Eyes of Tomorrow. That's about 37-40 lootable clears now. I know there are a lot more people out there struggling to get this gun and people who have many many more lootable clears than I do and still haven't received it. I think something else should be done here, Bungie. I've raided the entire season and still don't have the gun and it's quite literally the only thing I need for descendant. It's frustrating at this point. So much so that I've decided to make a forum post every week after completing and NOT getting Eyes of Tomorrow. Sounds petty, but maybe if the forums have more Eyes of Tomorrow posts, Bungie will do something else about it. I also kind of doubt it, but screw it. Best of luck to those still struggling. May the struggle not drag on much longer for you, and know that you're not alone in this!



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