We’re filthy 🍻
We’re casual 🍻
We’ll make all of your destiny dreams come true 🍻
Filthy casuals is a group of people that enjoy playing destiny as a team. We are active with raiding, crucible and gambit. We are looking for players that love destiny and want to share the experience with others. We are an active clan with a mainly casual player base, with a few that like to go above and beyond and attain certain glories and achievements. Clan participation is strongly encouraged and joining our clan discord is a must to get the most out of our clan. Request to join and one of our admins will message you with more info.
Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3730208
[quote]We’re filthy 🍻
We’re casual 🍻
We’ll make all of your destiny dreams come true 🍻
Filthy casuals is a group of people that enjoy playing destiny as a team. We are active with raiding, crucible and gambit. We are looking for players that love destiny and want to share the experience with others. We are an active clan with a mainly casual player base, with a few that like to go above and beyond and attain certain glories and achievements. Clan participation is strongly encouraged and joining our clan discord is a must to get the most out of our clan. Request to join and one of our admins will message you with more info.
Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3730208[/quote]