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6/16/2021 3:44:04 PM

HELM needs a way to decrypt Prime Engrams, and the solution already exists.

Put Tyra Karn in the HELM. The helm and tower system needs to become more efficient; at the very least I should be able to decrypt both umbral and prime engrams in the helm. How? As far as I am concerned, Tyra Karn has been out of the job ever since the farm was foreclosed by the last city bank and could use a place to stay. By adding her to the HELM we give it even more functionality and create a more efficient design. The tower would still have tons of purpose as one of the main social spaces and the hub for collecting bounties and quests, so I do not see any reason to not make this change!



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  • Doubt it will happen, no matter how many people will request it. Unless Bungie want to phase out the tower. They want/need to random social aspect D2 to be alive. Putting everything in a space that is private. Will make the tower barren making the game feel emptier.



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