Season 13 Prismatic Lenses properly unlock now, but are threaded needle and brass attacks still unobtainable?
As you know, new players that bought seasons 12 - 15 in the beyond light bundle during season of the splicer-like myself-had problems with the prismatic lenses tied to threaded needle and brass attacks. Even if the objectives for them were completed, the lenses wouldn't unlock. furthermore, the weapons wouldn't drop from battlegrounds chests or the generic chosen implements/arms lenses either. After this most recent update it seems just 1 more kill allowed these lenses to unlock for me. However, it still seems like threaded needle and brass attacks are unobtainable. Can someone in a similar situation try and verify if this is still the case? As an aside, I'm on ps4.
I've tried over a dozen focused engrams for brass attacks and nothing.
I am now at the point where I have to say it is not RNG and that Brass Attacks/Threaded Needle just aren't correctly dropping.
If only I could get my engrams and hammer charges back...