You don’t want Anarchy to be the “go to” weapon all the time. I understand that.
But what [b]YOU[/b] need to understand Bungie, is that the Overload champions in Gm Nightfall and Master VoG are damn near un-killable without it.
They only stun for like 3 seconds, they take WAY too long to be vulnerable to getting stunned again, they regen health ridiculously fast and they drop us in 2 shots or less.
If you are going to nerf our best weapon against overloads, then you need to nerf them so we can actually stand a chance against them without it.
I’d say ammo economy will be hit the most with Anarchy. Up to 29 in reserve is just crazy. I get shooting two for optimal DPS, but even shooting one is enough when enemies are being team shot. I expect it to drop to by 10 rounds. They still need to maintain its trapping area of effect capabilities where you can use 7 rounds.
Gilded conqueror here. There are other ways. My personal main build that has helped me clear every nightfall this season was Witherhoard and, believe it or not, Threaded Needle with Vorpal Weapon. One witherhoard and three Needle shots get it to finisher, and with me running Aeons, my team gets ammo. Other than that, rockets WITHOUT lasting impression seem great, but lasting impression takes too long to detonate and usually will get you killed while waiting.
The only reason I played GM this season is because of Anarchy and breach and clear. I am an older gamer coming up on 60 and this gave me the confidence to run GM. If they nerf Anarchy I am probably quitting. PVP is an awful mess and if I can't do the top tier events without being completely worn out at the end why bother. I am also so tired of the cycle of getting used to weapons and then Bungie says we rely on them too much and stomps them into the ground. I agree completely about the OL's it's ridiculous how much they teleport and how quickly they regain their health.
Hey bud Sleeper two shots crits most champions. So you can use that instead. I'm just now hearing about anarchy's nerf coming up and its had a good ride.
I gotta weigh in on this ! I have some constructive criticism I’d like to share . overload Minotaurs need work especially because they behave like unstoppable champions they just keep coming at you and that’s wrong none of the other overload champs eg Captain rush at you but the minotaurs do so this needs to be adjusted I won’t be getting my Conqueror seal due to the glassway being ridiculously impossible to complete even with good load outs and good gear the overload swarm is too much you can’t even freeze them when there is four of them swarming you
I’m still of the opinion that breach and clear is the number one reason Anarchy is getting nerfed. Yes it’s been good for passive damage for a long time but the synergy with breach and clear was too much.
由Fozwig編輯: 8/10/2021 10:52:25 AMThere is one reason and one reason only why PvE nerfs happen and that is because the top streamers need people to struggle to complete content so that they will come to their YouTube channels for tips, tricks, loadouts or just to see the stuff they aren't able to see because they can't get past the content in game. They hold most of the power nowadays.
由Althanash編輯: 8/10/2021 3:35:12 PMOverloads while buggy like the other 2 champs are prone to......Are alright. If you're losing those fights it's mostly your fault. You wanna stop the HP need to keep using the overload weapon of your choice to stop it, until they get stunned again. Seems to be something a lot don't know ^
Boohoo your crutch against predictable AI is getting nerfed. There’s very many viable options. You could do a GM with all blue gear and be fine.
"Best weapon against overloads" hahaha Bullshit The best weapons against overloads are weapons connected to the overload mod that have explosive payload and Divinity. Especially Divinity. Just because anarchy is the "best heavy in the game" does not mean its the best at everything, the only reason why its better than div THIS season is because of Breach and clear. Every other season, where overloads are involved Div is KING of overload champion lockdown, especially when the player using the div uses it correctly. Why? because it STUNLOCKS THEM. if you have a grenade that also stuns champions or a bleak watcher on the -blam!-er then a div along with two primaries can melt an overload champion rather quickly. I know this because I have both weapons, and i can tell you right now, I would rather go into a master content that has overloads with DIV over anarchy any day of the week, especially when I got team mates with swords or rockets.
由Muddieval編輯: 8/10/2021 1:17:30 PM
Overloads require to be continuously stunned. Shortly after you stop firing overload rounds they will regen health etc, they're supposed to do that. Stun them, quickly fire anarchy or witherhoard at them then immediately return to stunning them and you should be fine. PS use explosive rounds on your stunning weapon, it's far more effective.
They need to stop nerfing stuff that makes playing pve fun and enjoyable all they want is the game harder to play thanks to the die hard fan base and vog raid ,stupid really to think the amount of nerfs made after vog being brought back is a joke just because people was beating a raid that ain't even new !!!! nerfs for crucible make sense nerfs for pve are stupid and not needed atall
由I6v6I編輯: 8/10/2021 12:54:09 PMFor Master VOG, explosive payload hand cannons stun overload champions in 2 shots, and then you can instantly destroy them in 2 seconds with Lament (with a perfect combo+finisher). Or just teamshot them to death. Lament also one-shots oracles and melts wyverns when they're stacking so it's a decent choice for every encounter besides templar and boss. For GMs, just teamshot with anything.