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由ZayOsiris Gaming編輯: 9/16/2021 7:11:02 PM

How To Balance Shatterdive:

The easiest way to balance this, would be to make [u]glacier grenade crystals[/u] have a brief startup animation, akin to lightening grenades, or axion bolt grenades. You would throw the glacier grenade, Stasis mist would begin to form around a small area - until spikes shoot out, in its traditional, or enhanced form. Giving players (who’re caught in its space) a chance to avoid the crystals, & potential shatter dive combo. This would effectively remove the ability to instant shatter dive on panic, or aggressively push an opponent with that specific ability. Yes | No ? Edit; [u][b]I’m seeing some really good suggestions, such as:[/b][/u] • Making shatterdive consume a melee charge • Making shatterdive require a running start • Requiring Glacier Grenades to be fully formed before shattering All great suggestions guys. The rest of you, you probably wanna keep hitting that drawing board. I still appreciate your take(s). :-)



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  • I like your idea, that ability is probably the worst thing to happen to PvP in awhile. It’s for idiots who can’t hit shots and I wish that bungie would stay away from stuff like this. Stasis I’m general was a bad idea however, that’s a super good suggestion.



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