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9/17/2021 1:37:00 PM

About how this season might end..

So, based on the past couple weeks, this season has me a little nervous. Based on how both Savathûn and Mara Sov have been behaving this season, it seems like they both think they have one over on the other. Meanwhile Petra and the other awoken just want the techeuns returned safely and the curse on the dreaming city lifted, while all the characters city-side are primarily just concerned about whether Osiris is even alive. However, last I checked we haven’t had a main character death in a while (since forsaken if I remember correctly). And I just want to remind people of the list of characters who could die and a brief synopsis the most likely possibility (from my perspective): 1: Osiris, was never alive but the possibility of him being so was used by savathûn to manipulate everyone 2: Mara Sov, vibe checked by savathûn who managed to one up her. 3: crow, gets too nosey with his past and gets vibe checked by Petra 4: Petra, killed either saving the queen or trying to kill either savathûn or crow 5: saint, gets merc’d trying to save Osiris from savathûn Now that I brought this up, I would like to hear who you think could die at the end of this season, how, or both.



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