Okay, so I have noticed that Season of the Lost came with a few changes to Titan's middle tree Sunbreaker subclass, Code of the Devastator. The changes are to the Throwing Hammer melee ability, which I'm particularly sensitive to, since it is my favorite melee ability in the entire game. The explosion timer for the ability has been increased from 6.5 seconds to 10 seconds, can be prematurely detonated in flight or on the ground, has a pickup cooldown consisting of 0.5 seconds, and deals 50% more damage to powerful combatants. The 2nd to last statement on the patch notes is somewhat misleading. I haven't noticed a cooldown on the pickup time so much as I've noticed that my melee global cooldown is slower overall. Before Season 15 dropped, the global cooldown for Throwing Hammer was set to the default value. When the season began, that value was adjusted to prevent players from exploiting the extra damage output that Throwing Hammer provided. The final 2 changes were unnecessary and I would recommend reverting them, because the ability was fine the way it was before Season 15. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Please.
Thomas1138, Sunbreaker Titan, Hammer Bro.