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10/28/2021 12:12:36 AM

How Can You Claim Past Season Rewards

I'm in the military and I recently just came back from a deployment and started getting back into Destiny. However when talking to some people I got wind of being able to claim past season stuff, aka the Exotics that were free to all Season Pass Premium owners right off the bat. I pre-ordered the Beyond Light Deluxe Edition so I would have gotten access to those. But again, a month after Beyond Light came out, I found out I was getting deployed in 4 months. Does anyone know if there's a way to do it?



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  • [quote]I'm in the military and I recently just came back from a deployment and started getting back into Destiny. However when talking to some people I got wind of being able to claim past season stuff, aka the Exotics that were free to all Season Pass Premium owners right off the bat. I pre-ordered the Beyond Light Deluxe Edition so I would have gotten access to those. But again, a month after Beyond Light came out, I found out I was getting deployed in 4 months. Does anyone know if there's a way to do it?[/quote] 13.7.7 apk my dude



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • If ur talking about season pass rank rewards you go to the seasons tab in this app. At the top their should be a big gray rectangle that says something along the lines of x season unclaimed rewards. This will only work for the very last season If ur talking about getting exotic guns there is a kiosk between the two vault monitors. Go in there pick the season u wanna browse. They require a ascendant golf ball, cipher some glimmer, a few need spoils which u get from raid encounters This would be the exotics that season pass owners get upon rank 1



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