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由We Are Legion編輯: 11/18/2021 8:56:01 PM

Old Trials armor return

Dear Bungie. Please bring back the Exile armor sets now that we can solo queue and with the new changes to trials. Possible ways to do so: 1. Make the old sets flawless rewards as to keep the on the rarer side. 2. Bring them back as earn-able ornaments. 3. Have them be rewards for the trials lab modes. Reasons/Incentives: 1. It would incentivize more players to play limited time modes/ go flawless (depending on how they were brought back). 2. It would widen the armor loot pool and give people more to grind for, and possibly increase play time. 3. It would give solo players or players -blam!- joined the game a chance at earning this gear. 4. It is possibly one of the most iconic armor sets in destiny history and with the 30th Anniversary just around the corner, it would fit right in with celebrating the past. Sob story incoming, you have been WARNED!! The reason I would like it back: I didn’t really start playing destiny hard core until after the April update on Xbox 360 and as such never had the chance to get the armor then. When I finally upgraded to Xbox one, I was so intimidated by the amount content in D2 that I didn’t really get involved with the game until the second half of Season of the Chosen. At that time I was severely under light level, and my fire team had already all earned the armor and weapons so they really didn’t want to play trials. Conclusion: I as well as a lot of other people would like a chance at the Exiles gear with the new changes to trials. Edit: I have been seeing a recurring comments in posts like this, “If you didn’t get it when it was available, you don’t deserve it.” Or “Keeping it from coming back makes it exclusive.” My response to these comment is: It was in a completely different game… it’s not even “exclusive” to D2… and bringing it back as either flawless only, or as ornaments will keep some of the exclusive ness that the armor has.



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