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12/30/2021 10:03:07 PM

Contacting destiny 2 servers

Bungie servers have been absolutely garbage for me. I play on PC through steam, I have a wired connection as well. Any other game I run is fine. But I’ll get kicked from lobbies or return to orbit or the game will completely crash ALL THE TIME. I’ve watched countless videos on fixing this issue, most of them Bungie recomended, and nothing has helped. It’s so ridiculous on them that they haven’t fixed this issue yet, very disappointed in the game for this issue. Any other ideas out there I’d love to hear it, screw bungie for this.



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  • 由robert734625編輯: 12/30/2021 11:27:49 PM
    What are your connection results? Ping/jitter/down/up? Other games cannot be compared D2 requires far greater stability. I connect 100÷ all day any day on Xbox One X. I play a good amount and encounter none of these issues.



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